NASA STS-123 Execute Package FD09
Fantastic job on EVA 3! Mr. Dextre is complete. Great teamwork. EVA Big Picture We’ve decided that we will not have any deltas to EVA 4 due to the MISSE installation issue on EVA 3. We’re currently looking at ways to address the installation of MISSE such that everyone will be good with the plan. If that occurs, we are looking at EVA 5 for performing another attempt at installation. We’ll provide more details for the EVA 5 procedure review when a decision is made.
EMU Procedure Deltas Due to Mike’s RTV loss on his gloves in EVA 2, he will need to swap to his backup gloves during the EMU Reconfig/Swap scheduled for today. We also would like you to remove the Metox cans and EMU batteries from the EMUs before reconfiguring them. The Metox cans and EMU batteries will be regenerated/recharged today. Please pen and ink the following changes into the EMU RECONFIG/SWAP FOR EVA 4 procedure, FS 2-15.