Status Report

NASA STS-123 Execute Package FD08

By SpaceRef Editor
March 15, 2008
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NASA STS-123 Execute Package FD08

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FD07 MMT Summary 2

The FD07 MMT met briefly to review mission progress. The team was statused on the ISS systems issues that were recently experienced; however, none of them are significant impacts to operations. Congratulations on a successful EVA #2!

EVA Status: The duration of EVA #2 was 7 hours 8 minutes with the SPDM Expandable Diameter Fasteners requiring some extra effort to release them. Both gloves for EV3 exhibited significant RTV delamination during the EVA. The ground team has assessed the EV3 gloves and they will not be used for subsequent EVAs. A minor boot fit issue for EV3 is being worked and the team is confident this issue will be resolved for EVA #4. The team is also considering the removal of the tape that was placed on the D-handle.

SpaceRef staff editor.