Status Report

NASA STS-122 Execute Package FD06

By SpaceRef Editor
February 12, 2008
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NASA STS-122 Execute Package FD06

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Great Job on the EVA yesterday Gentlemen! Your hard work put you in great shape for EVA2.

The EVA ground team has been able to re-create the caution and warning lock-up that Rex experienced during depress for EVA 1. It appears that the C&W is susceptible to the lock up when the C&W is toggling from ‘O2 POS’ to ‘AIRLK P’, and the depress is slow (5 psi to vacuum). Attempting to lock the ‘AIRLK P’ parameter at this time may cause the C&W to lockup, freeze the display, ignore display switch inputs, repeatedly enunciate input acknowledgement tone, and lose telemetry. A power cycle recovers the system as you demonstrated. We will have an audio recording from the ground test that re-created the tones, and we will uplink that file for Rex later today, to verify that this is the same tone signature that he heard when he experienced the lock-up.

In order to prepare for Hans to go EVA, you’ll have to bring his EMU back into the airlock. Message16-1022 (MSG 050) contains the details for the new EMU swap activity on today’s plan.

EV1’s MWS EE cord is go for continued use. EVA Tools looked at the photos you sent, checked the history on that item, and noted the splice that you found is a known condition which is acceptable for EVA.

The big picture plan for EVA 2 is to carry the Lab MMOD shield and Columbus trunnion covers as get-aheads and focus on completing the P1 NTA in a 6:30 EVA. The relative priorities of the two get-ahead tasks is still being assessed and we’ll discuss that with you later today, but the tool config plan is built such that you can do either. Hans will leave the payload bay as soon as he can to go directly to the P1 NTA to work on QDs while Rex flies the tank to the CETA cart. Rex will demate the NTA electricals after he has stowed the new NTA on the ballstack and has GCAed to the truss NTA. See message 16-1021 (MSG 048) EVA 2 Summary Timeline and Egress Plan.

SpaceRef staff editor.