Status Report

NASA STS-120 Execute Package FD 15

By SpaceRef Editor
November 6, 2007
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NASA STS-120 Execute Package FD 15

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FD 14 MMT Summary

The MMT met to discuss the current mission status and to review the entry plan including a preliminary look at the weather forecasts. Discovery’s systems continue to perform nominally, and the teams are looking forward to FCS Checkout and RCS Hotfire tomorrow. Additionally, your tremendous work in continuing the ISS assembly is greatly appreciated by both the Shuttle and ISS Programs. The flyaround gave all of us a great view of the ISS with a fully functional P6 in its permanent location. Pending a nominal late inspection and good FCS Checkout tomorrow, the MMT will be GO for deorbit and landing.

Orbiter Systems Status – The MMOD impact to window #2 was cleared based on conservative analysis performed during STS 118 for a MMOD impact of similar magnitude and to the same window. Also, the LCS checked out during today’s Late Inspection and is fully functional. The late inspection data is being reviewed overnight and results will be available tomorrow after your lunch. The on console team will read those up to you as soon as they are available.

Entry Plan – Entry Flight Director/Bryan Lunney briefed the entry plan at today’s MMT. The limiting orbiter consumable will be supply water with at least 7 deorbit opportunities available over 3 days. The remaining orbiter consumables will support EOM +3 with at least 2 opportunities per day. The plan is to target two KSC opportunities for EOM on orbits 238 and 239. In the event of an EOM wave-off, EDW may be considered on EOM+1 pending the latest weather forecast and all three sites (KSC, EDW, NOR) will be activated on EOM+2.

Entry Landing Site/Weather – All three landing sites are ready with nominal convoy support, landing aids, and navigation aids. Both the EDW and NOR lakebeds are green. A dry front will pass through KSC early Wednesday morning. This front is forecast to leave behind dry, cool air and a GO forecast with a head wind of 14P23 knots on KSC runway 33. EOM+1 has a GO forecast for EDW and NOR while KSC has a chance of precipitation and a chance of ceilings. EOM+2 has a GO forecast for KSC and NOR while EDW has a slight chance for virga.

SpaceRef staff editor.