Status Report

NASA STS-120 Execute Package FD 14

By SpaceRef Editor
November 6, 2007
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NASA STS-120 Execute Package FD 14

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FD 13 MMT Summary

The MMT met briefly today to review mission progress, systems status, and take a first look at EOM weather. The MMT was polled for tomorrow’s undocking and all members were GO. The ISS program was very appreciative of the extraordinary efforts and achievements accomplished on this flight. The ISS Program also has laid out a preliminary timeline that supports launch of Atlantis as scheduled in December, and the Shuttle program reiterated the plans for the December 6 launch of STS-122/1E.

OBSS Sensors – Today’s checkouts confirmed that the LDRI, IDC, ITVC and PTU are fully functional and ready to support tomorrow’s late inspection. The LCS hardware appears nominal, and the unexpected indications from the LCS checkout are likely associated with the software and not thermally related. If there is time tomorrow, the LCS checkout steps, which are part of the STBD survey procedures, will be performed to gather more data on the status of the LCS.

Landing Weather – The MMT took a quick look at EOM KSC weather. A dry front is predicted to move through KSC about 12 hours before landing resulting in strong head winds on the 33 approach but still within Flight Rule limits. A full entry brief will be provided to the MMT tomorrow including the complete weather forecast.

SpaceRef staff editor.