NASA STS-120 Execute Package FD 09
Good morning Doug, Stephanie, and Dan,
Trick or Treat? Time for another Monstrous day of transfer, just in time for Halloween! We sure hope the costumes and candy got transferred over to ISS! We know you’re up for the challenge of transferring all those wily CTBoo’s. We just hope Wheels doesn’t get overrun by all the transfer drones zombies!
The Transfer List Excel file, FD09_TransferList_STS120.xls, is located on the KFX machine in C:\OCA-up\transfer.
For ISS, the Transfer List Excel file, FD09_TransferList_STS120.xls, is located in K:\OCA- up\transfer.
Transfer Notes
* Several Items on the Transfer List have been reported as ‘complete’ with ‘temp stowage’ on the middeck or awaiting further actions. Because of the outstanding actions, we’ve left these items marked as ‘incomplete’ on the Transfer List and updated their ‘Temp Stowage’ locations. These items will be considered complete when they are in their ‘Stowage at Undock’ location per the Transfer List.
* A Russian Pump Separator has been added to the return plan (Item 806). To accommodate the addition of this hardware, the 5 bundles of empty US food containers have been deleted from return (Items 601 through 605). Hopefully these food containers didn’t already make their way off the aft bulkhead of the Shuttle Middeck and into Bag F. As a result, please make sure the 5 bundles of US food containers are returned to ISS. The Transfer List has been updated to reflect this change.
Questions/Answers for the crew
* A: We’ve confirmed you are GO to use jettison stowage bags to return up to 20 lbs of foam in the A/L retention net. This is in addition to the returning 2.0 CTB full of foam (Item 721) being stowed for return on the A/L deck. We’d prefer that you do keep some foam in the return 5MLE bags to help the bags keep their shape during return. If you happen to take any foam from the ISS, please let us know where the foam came from (i.e. CTB S/N, Locker location) so we don’t take any more ISS crew time to try to discard the foam in the future. For your reference, one MLE (CTBE) of foam is approximately ~4 lbs.
* A: You asked about hardware removed from Item 124 (0.5 CTB Tools/PIVT) on FD02 per EVA procedures. We’ve verified that EVA procedures will reflect all EVA hardware to remain on orbit, including hardware removed from transfer bags on FD02.
* Q: There was an error on the transfer list regarding a quantity for Item 126 Foam Applicators. The line item on the Resupply tab for Item 126 shows a QTY of 1; however the Swap and Return tab indicate the correct QTY of 2 for the swap. Can you please confirm that QTY 2 Foam Applicators were swapped as intended?