NASA STS-120 Execute Package FD 05
1. During the FD2 OBSS Grapple and Unberth, the ground noticed that the arm digitals were offset about 4 inches in the starboard direction. To help us better understand the offset, could you tell us if the OBSS unberth was recorded on Camera C or D during FD2.
The time period of interest is: GMT: 297/09:07:30 – 297/09:39:55
2. Peggy, Yuri, and Paolo, 29
We would like to remind you about the Node2 Air Sampling Choreography that you’ll be performing today during Node 2 Ingress. Yuri is scheduled to take Russian air samples using the ИПД-СО & АК-1М, while Peggy and/or Paolo will be taking CSA-CP and GSC samples. In order to minimize the amount of time crewmembers are in Node 2 prior to initiating ventilation, Yuri will be setting up the Russian sampling equipment prior to Ingressing Node 2.
We have timelined the activities to reflect this sequence, but the intent is that CSA-CP readings are taken at the same time as the ИПД-СО samples and the GSC samples are taken concurrent with the АК-1М sample.
Also, please remember that all crewmembers who ingress Node 2 should don PPE (surgical masks from the Shuttle LiOH Compartment Lid and goggles from the ISS CCPK) until 2.5 hours has elapsed after the initiation of ventilation between Node 1 and Node 2. Once the Node 2 ingress is complete, please save your mask to be used for a future LiOH changeout. Peggy will be saving her mask for a FD7 Node 2 Rack Rotation activity.