Status Report

NASA STS-119 Execute Package FD03

By SpaceRef Editor
March 17, 2009
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NASA STS-119 Execute Package FD03

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Congratulations on a spectacular launch! The FD02 MMT met briefly to review mission progress with only a few items of discussion. Discovery is performing very well and the team is looking forward to a great mission.

Orbiter Systems: The team reviewed the minor orbiter system anomalies that have been encountered with the ET umbilical flash/photo downloads, the fuel cell O2 flowmeter, the flight deck AVIU, the SRMS shoulder brace, and the ergometer. None of these anomalies present significant mission impacts. Also, the team was briefed on the flawless performance of the 3 flow control valves during ascent.

ISS Conjunction: The ISS team is monitoring an orbital conjunction with a debris object with a time of closest approach of 076/07:14 GMT (01/07:30 MET). The ISS and Shuttle flight control teams jointly developed an ISS debris avoidance plan and a corresponding shuttle rendezvous maneuver plan that accounted for this potential change to the ISS trajectory. After the MMT meeting, tracking assessments on the debris object confirmed this debris avoidance plan is not required.

SpaceRef staff editor.