Status Report

NASA STS-118 Execute Package FD10

By SpaceRef Editor
August 17, 2007
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NASA STS-118 Execute Package FD10

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MSG 096 (15-0968) – FD10 MISSION SUMMARY

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Good Morning Endeavour!

It is hard to believe that today is already FD10 of the fantastic flight of STS-118. All of you are doing an outstanding job!

Transfer ops are really going great! We are in the home stretch! Thank you for paying such close attention to all the details!

The note and the callout in the timeline about the possibility of seeing the VSSA-FSE jettisoned earlier from station. Station will be commanding ISS cameras from the ground to look for VSSA, so the notes for you are just for your information. Feel free to look if you desire!

Have a great day!

SpaceRef staff editor.