NASA STS-118 Execute Package FD09

MSG 077 (15-0946) – FD09 MISSION SUMMARY
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Good Morning Crew!
The EVA machine is well-oiled now. Rick and Clay, your efficiency on EVA 3 kept you well ahead of the timeline and minimized the impact of the glove tear. Thanks for the highly detailed, well-focused and well exposed photos of the damage…your photo-TV instructor is smiling.
We’re looking forward to another great educational PAO opportunity today. Also, as you can see, you’ve also earned some much deserved time off later in the day’s schedule. Take time and enjoy yourself.
The MMT summary has the details, but the short story on damage assessment is that the Arc Jet tests are thus-far supporting the CFD analysis and indicate that a repair may not be necessary. An additional arc jet test was conducted last night and these results along with the peer review of the CFD analysis and QA of the model will be the final determining factor.
We have tried to leave as much flexibility in today’s Flight Plan as possible by deferring the actual retrieval of the repair tools until after lunch. The idea, of course, is to avoid gathering items we will only have to re-stow if the repair is not required. We’re hoping for a lunch-time decision, but in the event it is delayed we will have to begin opening bags.
Your lengthy repair EVA training package is available for your review.
Have yet another great day in space!