Status Report

NASA STS-117 FD07 Execute Package

By SpaceRef Editor
June 14, 2007
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NASA STS-117 FD07 Execute Package

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FD6 MMT Summary

The MMT met today and the main topics of discussion were the Port OMS Pod Blanket EVA repair, DAT results, and the ISS attitude control issues. The MMT did decide that EVA 3 would be used to secure the torn blanket if the MCC preparation and crew procedures could be safely completed which includes the onboard training and procedure review.

Port OMS Blanket Repair:

Team 4 briefed the MMT on the downselect options for the EVA blanket repair. This team has been working in conjunction with Orbiter Project and Engineering personnel regarding the best method to secure the torn blanket. Blanket pull tests utilizing the different attach methods were conducted last night and the best option to secure the blanket is to fold down the raised edge, staple it to the adjacent blanket, and then using the Saffil pins secure both blankets to the front row of edge tile. Arc Jet testing as well as wind tunnel testing are being conducted to verify this configuration. However, based on the pull tests, the team has confidence in this method to secure the blanket.

The MMT decision to conduct the blanket repair on EVA 3 was based on this repair being the highest priority for the remaining EVA’s. In addition, by completing the repair on EVA 3 the team would have time to respond with EVA 4 if an unknown problem arose in securing the blanket.

As always the Operations team will provide you with the EVA/Robotics details once they are finalized.

Imagery/Debris Assessment Team:

All TPS has been cleared with the exception of a section of Right Inboard elevon (RIB) tile. Due to the RIB elevon imagery being partially obscured by shadows during the RPM maneuver, the team can not conclusively clear this TPS, and as a result, may try and gather additional imagery during late inspection. There is extremely low concern from the team regarding these particular tiles.

Space Station Attitude Control:

The MMT was briefed on the current ISS attitude control issues and how this will affect the remainder of docked operations. Currently, the ISS does not have the ability to provide attitude control other than from the CMG’s. In order to prevent saturation of the CMG’s and use of Orbiter RCS propellant to maintain attitude control, water dumps will be moved to at least flight day 9. In addition, the MMT also asked the Operations team look at methods to preserve cryo margin to allow for an extra docked day if required.

SpaceRef staff editor.