Status Report

NASA STS-116 FD-7 Execute Package

By SpaceRef Editor
December 15, 2006
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NASA STS-116 FD-7 Execute Package

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The main topic of discussion at today’s MMT was the P6 solar array retract problems, a review of the SSME, SRB, and ET performance, and several minor orbiter issues.

First, the rest of the STS-116 mission including shuttle undocking can be completed with the current solar array configuration. Additionally, Progress docking/undocking, ISS reboost, and orbiter dockings are not believed to be an issue. The primary concern at this time is docking loads with the April Soyuz on the FGB nadir port which have not been fully cleared as of the MMT. Teams are working around the clock to develop the EVA options required to retract and/or latch the anomalous array as well as any IV options which may alleviate some of the friction within the array to allow the tension mechanism to work more effectively. A team is also working to determine if the P6 array can remain in this configuration or a slightly different configuration to allow deferring an EVA to the Stage or subsequent Shuttle mission. These options will be briefed to the Shuttle and Station MMT’s at which time the appropriate timeline and risk trades will be discussed.

The great news is that the SARJ is tracking the sun as expected. The Ammonia loop that was filled after EVA 1 and activated during FD 6 is performing very well.

SpaceRef staff editor.