Status Report

NASA SpaceTech-REDDI-2016 F1 Solicitation and Q&A

By SpaceRef Editor
January 9, 2016
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Dear Flight Opportunities community,

On Friday we released the new SpaceTech-REDDI-2016 Appendix F1 solicitation that seeks proposals to demonstrate crosscutting space technologies in relevant space-like environments using currently available U.S. commercial reduced gravity, high-altitude balloon, and suborbital reusable flight capabilities.

This solicitation is open to all U.S. private entities (for-profit & non-profit), Federally Funded Research & Development Centers, U.S. Universities, as well as foreign entities when in partnership with a U.S. Entity.

Proposals are due March 8, 2016.

Solicitation link:


Flight Opportunities Program REDDI 2016 F1 Solicitation Q & A Sessions

The Program plans to hold two Q&A sessions on Jan 20 & 22. The goal of the sessions is to improve the responsiveness of the proposals and clarify any items that might be confusing.

Submit Questions to:

Q&A Session 1: Wednesday, January 20 from 8:30 am – 11:30 am PST
Q&A Session 1: WebEx Meeting number: 994 956 718
Q&A Session 1: WebEx Meeting password: Meeting@20!

Q&A Session 2: Friday, January 22 from 11:30 am – 2:30 pm PST
Q&A Session 2: WebEx Meeting number: 992 181 366
Q&A Session 2: WebEx Meeting password: Meeting@22!

Telecon for Both Sessions: 844-467-6272 Listen Only Passcode: 5572648

Alexander van Dijk
STMD/Flight Opportunities

SpaceRef staff editor.