Status Report

NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #976 19 November 2021 (Space Life Science Research Results)

By SpaceRef Editor
November 19, 2021
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SPACELINE Current Awareness Lists are distributed via listserv and are available on the NASA Task Book website at Please send any correspondence to Shawna Byrd, SPACELINE Current Awareness Senior Editor,
Please note: The next issue of SPACELINE Current Awareness (List #977) will be sent on Friday, December 3, 2021.
Papers deriving from NASA support:
Barnette BL, Yu Y, Ullrich RL, Emmett MR.
Mitochondrial effects in the liver of C57BL/6 mice by low dose, high energy, high charge irradiation.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Nov;22(21):11806.
PI: M.R. Emmett
Note: This article is part of Special Issue “Dysregulation of Human Molecular and Metabolic Mechanisms Resulting in Oxidative Stress and Damage Generation in the Space Environment” ( The Special Issue also includes articles from Current Awareness Lists #944, #947, #965, #967 and; and #972 Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Special Issue. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 5.923
Funding: “This work was supported by the NASA Ground Based Studies in Space Radiobiology NNX15AD65G. This research was partially supported by a NASA/Texas Space Grant Consortium Fellowship (BLB), and a Shirley Patricia Parker & Katherina Siebert Award for Excellence in Oncologic Scholarship (BLB). We would like to acknowledge the Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and UTMB for additional support. The Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan is a public interest foundation funded by the Japanese Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare (MHLW) and the US Department of Energy (DOE). The research was also funded in part through DOE award DE-HS0000031 to the National Academy of Sciences.”
Boutros SW, Zimmerman B, Nagy SC, Lee JS, Perez R, Raber J.
Amifostine (WR-2721) mitigates cognitive injury induced by heavy ion radiation in male mice and alters behavior and brain connectivity.
Front Physiol. 2021 Nov 16;12:770502.
PIs: M. Weil/J. Raber NSCOR
Note: This article and two articles below in the “Other” section (Bersenev et al. and Kunavar et al.) are part of Research Topic “Brains in Space: Effects of Spaceflight on the Human Brain and Behavior” ( The Research Topic also includes articles from previous Current Awareness Lists #956, #967, #969, #973, and #975,, and Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Research Topic. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.492
Funding: “Support for SB and the experiments in this study was provided by the NASA HRP Augmentation award for graduate students (part of the NASA NSCOR NNX15AK13G), NSF GRFP, NIA T32 AG055378, and Knight Cancer Institute Ph.D. Scholars COVID Relief Fund. Support for BZ was provided by a Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), with funding provided by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, and a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Collaborative Research Travel Grant (1018797). This work was partially supported by NASA NSCOR grant NNX15AK13G and NASA 80NSSC19K0498–P00001, and NIH RF1 AG059088 and R21 AG065914.”
Jones CB, Peiffer LB, Davis CM, Sfanos KS.
Examining the effects of 4He exposure on the gut-brain axis.
Radiat Res. 2021 Nov 9. Online ahead of print.
PI: C.M. Davis
Journal Impact Factor: 2.841
Funding: “The authors would like to thank Dr. Peter Guida and Dr. Adam Rusek, the Physics staff, and the Animal Facility Staff at Brookhaven National Laboratory for assistance with radiation exposures and animal care at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory; Jessica Hicks for guidance optimizing the 5-HT antibody; Ray Smith, Stacey Perry, Blanca Bravo and Sabrina Lindemon for their work on SORM and fecal pellet collections. This work was supported by Space@Hopkins seed grant funding (to CBJ, CMD and KSS) and NASA 80NSSC18K1080 (to CMD). …We would also like to acknowledge support for the statistical analysis from the National Center for Research Resources and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) of the National Institutes of Health through Grant Number 1UL1TR001079.”
Kim HN, Richardson KK, Krager KJ, Ling W, Simmons P, Allen AR, Aykin-Burns N.
Simulated galactic cosmic rays modify mitochondrial metabolism in osteoclasts, increase osteoclastogenesis and cause trabecular bone loss in mice.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Oct 28;22(21):11711.
PI: A.R. Allen
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 5.923
Funding: “This research was funded by Translational Research Institute through NASA co-operative agreement NNX16AO69A (P.S., A.R.A. and N.A.-B.), NIH/NCI R01 CA258673 (A.R.A. and N.A.-B.), NIH P20 GM109005 (K.J.K., A.R.A. and N.A.-B.) and NIH P20 GM125503 (H.-N.K., W.L. and K.K.R).”
Kundu P, Zimmerman B, Perez R, Whitlow CT, Cline JM, Olson JD, Andrews RN, Raber J.
Apolipoprotein E levels in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex predict relative regional brain volumes in irradiated Rhesus macaques.
Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 11;11(1):22130.
PIs: M. Weil/J. Raber NSCOR; J. Baker
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.379
Funding: “The current study was supported by a pilot grant from the Wake Forest Primate Signature Program (JR), NIEHS T32 ES07060 and NIA T32 AG055378 (PK), a Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship with funding provided by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, and a Burroughs Welcome Fund Collaborative Research Travel Grant (1018797) (BZ), and partially supported by NASA NSCOR grant NNX15AK13G and NASA 80NSSC19K0498-P00001 and NIH RF1 AG059088 and R21 AG065914.”
Pendleton MM, Emerzian SR, Sadoughi S, Li A, Liu JW, Tang SY, O’Connell GD, Sibonga JD, Alwood JS, Keaveny TM.
Relations between bone quantity, microarchitecture, and collagen cross-links on mechanics following in vivo irradiation in mice.
JBMR Plus. 2021 Nov;5(11):e10545.
PI: J.S. Alwood
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 6.741
Funding: “This study was supported by NASA Science & Technology Research Fellowship NNX14AM56H (MMP), National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program #1752814 (SRE), a NASA Space Biology PECASE (JSA), and grants from the National Institutes of Health (K01AR069116, R21AR069804, R01AR07444; SYT) and National Science Foundation (1760467; GDO). Computational resources were made available through the National Science Foundation via XSEDE, grant TG-MCA00N019 (TMK).”
Yadav M, Liu J, Song F, Mo X, Jacob NR, Xu-Welliver M, Chakravarti A, Jacob NK.
Utility of circulating microRNA-150 for rapid evaluation of bone marrow depletion after radiation, and efficiency of bone marrow reconstitution.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Nov 9;S0360-3016(21)03073-X. Online ahead of print.
PI: N.K. Jacob
Journal Impact Factor: 7.038
Funding: “This study was supported partly by an Investigator-Initiated Research Award (IIRA) from United States Defense for Health Affairs through the Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (Award No. W81XWH-15-2-0054), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (Award No. 80NSSC18K1691) to N.K.J. and in part with intramural funds from The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC). Multiple shared resources used at the Institution were supported by National Cancer Institute (NCI) Grant No. P30CA016058.”
Petersen LG, Whittle RS, Lee JH, Sieker J, Carlson J, Finke C, Shelton CM, Petersen JCG, Diaz-Artiles A.
Gravitational effects on ocular pressure and perfusion pressure.
J Appl Physiol (1985). 2021 Nov 11. Online ahead of print.
PIs: L.G. Petersen, A. Diaz-Artiles
Journal Impact Factor: 3.531
Funding: “80NSSC19K0020/NASA/NASA/United States, 80NSSC20K1521/National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), NNF15OC0019196/Novo Nordic foundation.”
Kluis L, Diaz-Artiles A.
Revisiting decompression sickness risk and mobility in the context of the SmartSuit, a hybrid planetary spacesuit.
npj Microgravity. 2021 Nov 15;7(1):46.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.415
Funding: “This work was supported by the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program (grant number 80NSSC19K0969).”
Tran V, De Martino E, Hides J, Cable G, Elliott JM, Hoggarth M, Zange J, Lindsay K, Debuse D, Winnard A, Beard D, Cook JA, Salomoni SE, Weber T, Scott J, Hodges PW, Caplan N.
Gluteal muscle atrophy and increased intramuscular lipid concentration are not mitigated by daily artificial gravity following 60-day head-down tilt bed rest.
Front Physiol. 2021 Nov 11;12:745811.
Note: Head-down tilt bed rest study. This article and an article below in the “Other” section (Yusupova et al.) are part of Research Topic “The Human Body, Brain, and Behaviour in the Context of Spaceflight and Extreme Environments” ( Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Research Topic. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.492
Funding: “The AGBRESA study was funded by the German Aerospace Center, the European Space Agency (4000113871/15/NL/PG), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80JSC018P0078). The study was performed at the “:envihab” research facility of the DLR Institute of Aerospace Medicine. Funding for this ESA-selected project (ESA-HSO-U-LE-0629) was received from the STFC/UK Space Agency (ST/R005753/1). PH was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (APP1194937).”
Friedman MA, Abood A, Senwar B, Zhang Y, Maroni CR, Ferguson VL, Farber CR, Donahue HJ.
Genetic variability affects the skeletal response to immobilization in founder strains of the diversity outbred mouse population.
Bone Rep. 2021 Dec;15:101140.
PIs: H.J. Donahue, M.A. Friedman, TRISH Postdoctoral Program Fellowship
Note: Cast immobilization was used in this study. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.398
Funding: “This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01AR068132-20, 5R01AR068345, R01AR071657, T32LM012416), National Science Foundation (NSF CBET 1338154), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NSSC18K1473), and the Translational Research Institute for Space Health Postdoctoral Fellowship (NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A).”
Other papers of interest:
Kurosawa R, Sugimoto R, Imai H, Atsuji K, Yamada K, Kawano Y, Ohtsu I, Suzuki K.
Impact of spaceflight and artificial gravity on sulfur metabolism in mouse liver: Sulfur metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis.
Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 8;11(1):21786.
Note: ISS results. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Suzuki N, Iwamura Y, Nakai T, Kato K, Otsuki A, Uruno A, Saigusa D, Taguchi K, Suzuki M, Shimizu R, Yumoto A, Okada R, Shirakawa M, Shiba D, Takahashi S, Suzuki T, Yamamoto M.
Gene expression changes related to bone mineralization, blood pressure and lipid metabolism in mouse kidneys after space travel.
Kidney Int. 2021 Nov 9. Online ahead of print.
Note: ISS results. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Pastushkova LK, Rusanov VB, Goncharova AG, Nosovskiy AM, Luchitskaya ES, Kashirina DN, Kononikhin AS, Kussmaul AR, Yakhya YD, Larina IM, Nikolaev EN.
Blood plasma proteins associated with heart rate variability in cosmonauts who have completed long-duration space missions.
Front Physiol. 2021 Nov 17;12:760875.
Note: ISS results. This article and the following two articles (Jia et al. and Nordine et al.) are part of the Research Topic “Cardio-vascular Dysfunction and Physiological Manifestations Induced by Environmental Conditions, Volume II” ( The Research Topic also includes articles from previous Current Awareness Lists #959 This article may be obtained online without charge.
Jia S, Wang Q, Li H, Song X, Wang S, Zhang W, Wang G.
The relationship between blood perfusion in the lower extremities and heart rate variability at different positions.
Front Physiol. 2021 Aug 13;12:656527.
Note: This article is part of the Research Topic “Cardio-vascular Dysfunction and Physiological Manifestations Induced by Environmental Conditions, Volume II” ( This article may be obtained online without charge.
Nordine M, Treskatsch S, Habazettl H, Gunga HC, Brauns K, Dosel P, Petricek J, Opatz O.
Orthostatic resiliency during successive hypoxic, hypoxic orthostatic challenge: Successful vs. unsuccessful cardiovascular and oxygenation strategies.
Front Physiol. 2021 Oct 27;12:712422.
Note: This article is part of the Research Topic “Cardio-vascular Dysfunction and Physiological Manifestations Induced by Environmental Conditions, Volume II” ( This article may be obtained online without charge.
Hernandez R, Roll SC, Jin H, Schneider S, Pyatak EA.
Validation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) adapted for the whole day repeated measures context.
Ergonomics. 2021 Nov 12:1-41. Online ahead of print.
Note: NASA Task Load Index was used in this study. From the abstract: “Our objective was to investigate the validity of four-item and six-item versions of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index (NASA-TLX, or TLX for short) for measuring workload over a whole day in the repeated measures context. We analyzed data on 51 people with type 1 diabetes from whom we collected ecological momentary assessment and daily diary data over 14 days.”
Šolcová I, Vinokhodova A, Gushin V, Kuznetsova P.
Tend-and-befriend behaviour during spaceflight simulation.
Acta Astronautica. 2022 Feb;191:79-87.
Note: SIRIUS-17 mission results. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Yusupova A, Shved D, Gushin V, Chekalina A, Supolkina N.
Style features in communication of the crews with mission control.
Front Neuroergonomics. 2021 Nov 12;2:768386.
Note: This article and an article above in the “NASA” section (Tran et al.) are part of Research Topic “The Human Body, Brain, and Behaviour in the Context of Spaceflight and Extreme Environments” ( This article may be obtained online without charge.
Bersenev EY, Ukraintseva YV, Kovrov GV, Yakhya YD, Vassilieva GY, Tomilovskaya ES, Rukavishnikov IV, Posokhov SI, Orlov AV, Osetsky NY, Orlov OI.
Sleep in 21-day dry immersion. Are cardiovascular adjustments rapid eye movement sleep-dependent?
Front Physiol. 2021 Oct 26;12:749773.
Note: Dry immersion study. This article, an article above in the “NASA” section (Boutros et al.), and the article directly below are part of Research Topic “Brains in Space: Effects of Spaceflight on the Human Brain and Behavior” ( This article may be obtained online without charge.
Kunavar T, Jamšek M, Barbiero M, Blohm G, Nozaki D, Papaxanthis C, White O, Babič J.
Effects of local gravity compensation on motor control during altered environmental gravity.
Front Neural Circuits. 2021 Oct 21;15:750267.
Note: Parabolic flight results. This article, the article directly above, and an article above in the “NASA” section (Boutros et al.) are part of Research Topic “Brains in Space: Effects of Spaceflight on the Human Brain and Behavior” ( This article may be obtained online without charge.
Iandolo D, Strigini M, Guignandon A, Vico L.
Osteocytes and weightlessness.
Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2021 Nov 12. Review. Online ahead of print.
Note: Results from various spaceflight missions and simulations are reviewed. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Jorge-Galarza E, Torres-Tamayo M, Martínez-Alvarado MDR, Peña-Aparicio B, González-Salazar C, Reyes-Barrera J, Sierra-Beltrán M, Fajardo-Flores E, Kostin A, González-Hermosillo JA.
Cardiovascular autonomic responses during head-up tilt test in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes.
Ir J Med Sci. 2021 Nov 8. Online ahead of print.
Note: Head-up tilt test results.
Krachtis A, Karkala A, Frantzidis CA, Gkivogkli PT, Ladas AI, Strollo F, Kourtidou-Papadeli C.
Arterial stiffness alterations in simulated microgravity and reactive sledge as a countermeasure.
High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev. 2021 Nov 13. Online ahead of print.
Note: Head-down tilt bedrest study.
Gros A, Lavenu L, Morel JL, De Deurwaerdère P.
Simulated microgravity subtlety changes monoamine function across the rat brain.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Nov;22(21):11759.
Note: Hindlimb unloading study. This article is part of Topic “Translation from Microgravity Research to Earth Application” ( The Topic also includes articles from previous Current Awareness List #970 and Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Topic. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Sapudom J, ElGindi M, Arnoux M, Drou N, Garcia-Sabaté A, Teo JCM.
Fibroblast differentiation and matrix remodeling impaired under simulated microgravity in 3D cell culture model.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Nov 2;22(21):11911.
Note: A Random Positioning Machine was used in this study. This article is part of Special Issue “Microgravity and Space Medicine 2.0” ( The Special Issue also includes articles from previous Current Awareness List #953,, and Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Special Issue. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Twomey L, Navasiolava N, Robin A, Bareille MP, Gauquelin-Koch G, Beck A, Larcher F, Meade-Murphy G, Sheridan S, Maguire PB, Harrison M, Degryse B, Moyna NM, Gharib C, Custaud MA, Murphy RP.
A dry immersion model of microgravity modulates platelet phenotype, miRNA signature, and circulating plasma protein biomarker profile.
Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 9;11(1):21906.
Note: Dry immersion study. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Qiu D, Jian Y, Zhang Y, Xie G.
Plant gravitropism and signal conversion under a stress environment of altered gravity.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Oct 29;22(21):11723. Review.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Fovet T, Guilhot C, Stevens L, Montel V, Delobel P, Roumanille R, Semporé MY, Freyssenet D, Py G, Brioche T, Chopard A.
Early deconditioning of human skeletal muscles and the effects of a thigh cuff countermeasure.
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Nov 8;22(21):12064.
Note: Dry immersion study. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Gyánó M, Berczeli M, Csobay-Novák C, Szöllősi D, Óriás VI, Góg I, Kiss JP, Veres DS, Szigeti K, Osváth S, Pataki Á, Juhász V, Oláh Z, Sótonyi P, Nemes B.
Digital variance angiography allows about 70% decrease of DSA-related radiation exposure in lower limb X-ray angiography.
Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 8;11(1):21790.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Dunn MJM, Molesworth BRC, Koo T, Lodewijks G.
Measured effects of workload and auditory feedback on remote pilot task performance.
Ergonomics. 2021 Nov 8;1-18. Online ahead of print.

SpaceRef staff editor.