Status Report

NASA Spaceline Current Awareness 6 September 2013 (Recent Space Life Science Research Results)

By SpaceRef Editor
September 6, 2013
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Charles JB, Paloski WH, LeBlanc A, Watson D.

18th IAA Humans in Space meeting, Houston.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):1-2.

NOTE: This volume contains 16 articles deriving from the 18th Humans in Space Symposium of the International Academy of Astronautics, held in Houston, Texas in April 2011. All of the articles are included in this list and all may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Arzeno NM, Stenger MB, Bloomberg JJ, Platts SH.

Spaceflight-induced cardiovascular changes and recovery during NASA’s Functional Task Test.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):10-4.

(PI: J.J. Bloomberg)

NOTE: Shuttle results. This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Prisk GK, Sá RC, Darquenne C.

Cardiogenic mixing increases aerosol deposition in the human lung in the absence of gravity.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):15-20.

(PIs: G.K. Prisk; R.C. Sa, NSBRI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program)

NOTE: Parabolic flight results. This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Steinberg S, Kundrot C, Charles J.

Human health and performance considerations for near earth asteroids (NEA).

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):119-24.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Straume T, Loftus DJ, Li J, Coleman MA, Davis CE, McMonigal KA, Piccini M, Singh AK.

Biomarker-detection technologies for comprehensive medical diagnosis during deep-space missions.

Recent Progr Space Technol. 2013 Jun;3(1):13-23.

(PI: T. Straume)

NOTE: This article and the following two articles and four articles in the Other section constitute an issue on the topic: “Recent Advances in Space Biotechnology.” All of the articles may be obtained online without charge.



Amani Wan Salim WW, Park JH, Ul Haque A, Porterfield DM.

Lab-on-a-chip approaches for space-biology research.

Recent Progr Space Technol. 2013 Jun;3(1):24-39.

(PI: D.M. Porterfield)

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Chapes SK, Ortega MT.

Understanding macrophage differentiation during space flight: The importance of ground-based experiments before space flight.

Recent Progr Space Technol. 2013 Jun;3(1):40-7.

(PI: S.K. Chapes)

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Strangman GE, Zhang Q, Li Z.

Scalp and skull influence on near infrared photon propagation in the Colin27 brain template.

(PI: G.E. Strangman)



Lester BE, Standley RA, Lee JD, Fink WJ, Trappe SW, Trappe TA.

Muscle-specific substrate use during cycle exercise at 1 G: Implications for astronaut muscle health.

Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Aug;84(8):789-96.

(PI: S.W. Trappe)

NOTE: From abstract: “This ground-based study examined the metabolic involvement of the thigh and calf muscles during two cycle exercise protocols (moderate and high intensity) central to the exercise countermeasures program on the International Space Station.”



English KL, Hackney KJ, De Witt JK, Ploutz-Snyder RL, Goetchius EL, Ploutz-Snyder LL.

A ground-based comparison of the Muscle Atrophy Research and Exercise System (MARES) and a commercially available isokinetic dynamometer.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):3-9.

NOTE: This is a ground-based study of MARES, which was installed on ISS in 2010. This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Turner RT, Iwaniec UT, Wong CP, Lindenmaier LB, Wagner LA, Branscum AJ, Menn SA, Taylor J, Zhang Y, Wu H, Sibonga JD.

Acute exposure to high dose γ-radiation results in transient activation of bone lining cells.

(PI: R.T. Turner)



McCabe NP, Androjna C, Hill E, Globus RK, Midura RJ.

Simulated microgravity alters the expression of key genes involved in fracture healing.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):65-72.

(PI: R.J. Midura)

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Kubota T, Elalieh HZ, Saless N, Fong C, Wang Y, Babey M, Cheng Z, Bikle DD.

Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor in mature osteoblasts is required for periosteal bone formation induced by reloading.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):73-8.

(PI: T. Kubota, NSBRI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program)

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Qin YX, Lin W, Mittra E, Xia Y, Cheng J, Judex S, Rubin C, Müller R.

Prediction of trabecular bone qualitative properties using scanning quantitative ultrasound.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):79-88.

(PI: Y.X. Qin)

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Gupta S, Manske SL, Judex S.

Increasing the number of unloading/reambulation cycles does not adversely impact body composition and lumbar bone mineral density but reduces tissue sensitivity.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):89-96.

(PI: S. Judex)

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Romero-Weaver AL, Wan XS, Diffenderfer ES, Lin L, Kennedy AR.

Effect of SPE-like proton or photon radiation on the kinetics of mouse peripheral blood cells and radiation biological effectiveness determinations.

(PI: A.R. Kennedy/Center of Acute Radiation Research)



Sanzari JK, Romero-Weaver AL, James G, Krigsfeld G, Lin L, Diffenderfer ES, Kennedy AR.

Leukocyte activity is altered in a ground based murine model of microgravity and proton radiation exposure.

PLoS One. 2013 Aug 14;8(8):e71757.

(PI: A.R. Kennedy/Center of Acute Radiation Research)

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



ICRP, Dietze G, Bartlett DT, Cool DA, Cucinotta FA, Jia X, McAulay IR, Pelliccioni M, Petrov V, Reitz G, Sato T.

ICRP PUBLICATION 123: Assessment of radiation exposure of astronauts in space.

Ann ICRP. 2013 Aug;42(4):1-339.

NOTE: This lengthy document was prepared for the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The focus is radiation exposure assessment rather than radiation protection.



George KA, Rhone J, Chappell LJ, Cucinotta FA.

Cytogenetic biodosimetry using the blood lymphocytes of astronauts.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):97-102.

(PI: F.A. Cucinotta)

NOTE: This review of astronaut data includes an analysis of ISS astronaut data. This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Puliyappadamba VT, Chakraborty S, Chauncey SS, Li L, Hatanpaa KJ, Mickey B, Noorani S, Shu HK, Burma S, Boothman DA, Habib AA.

Opposing effect of EGFRWT on EGFRvIII-mediated NF-κB activation with RIP1 as a cell death switch.

Cell Rep. 2013 Aug 29;4(4):764-75. Epub 2013 Aug 22.

(PI: S. Burma)

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Lindburg CA, Willey JS, Dean D.

Effects of low dose X-ray irradiation on porcine articular cartilage explants.

J Orthop Res. 2013 Aug 1. [Epub ahead of print]



Stevens RG, Brainard GC, Blask DE, Lockley SW, Motta ME.

Adverse health effects of nighttime lighting: Comments on American Medical Association policy statement.

Am J Prev Med. 2013 Sep;45(3):343-6.

(PIs: G.C. Brainard, S.W. Lockley)



Brainard GC, Coyle W, Ayers M, Kemp J, Warfield B, Maida J, Bowen C, Bernecker C, Lockley SW, Hanifin JP.

Solid-state lighting for the International Space Station: Tests of visual performance and melatonin regulation.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):21-8.

(PI: G.C. Brainard)

NOTE: Tests applicable to lighting on ISS were performed in a ground replica of the ISS Crew Quarters. This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Liu AM, Oman CM, Galvan R, Natapoff A.

Predicting space telerobotic operator training performance from human spatial ability assessment.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):38-47.

(PI: C.M. Oman)

NOTE: Test subjects were astronauts. This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Clément G, Wood SJ.

Motion perception during tilt and translation after space flight.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):48-52.

(PI: S.J. Wood)

NOTE: Shuttle results (preliminary results). This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Adelstein BD, Kaiser MK, Beutter BR, McCann RS, Anderson MR.

Display strobing: An effective countermeasure against visual blur from whole-body vibration.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):53-64.

(PI: M.K. Kaiser)

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Holden KL, Boyer JL, Ezer N, Holubec K, Sándor A, Stephens JP.

Human Factors in space vehicle design.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):110-8.

(PIs: K.L. Holden, A. Sandor)

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Lawal A, Kirtley ML, van Lier CJ, Erova TE, Kozlova EV, Sha J, Chopra AK, Rosenzweig JA.

The effects of modeled microgravity on growth kinetics, antibiotic susceptibility, cold growth, and the virulence potential of a Yersinia pestis ymoA-deficient mutant and its isogenic parental strain.



Schultz ER, Kelley KL, Paul A-L, Ferl RJ.

A method for preparing spaceflight RNAlater-fixed Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae) tissue for scanning electron microscopy.

Appl Plant Sci. 2013 Aug;1(8):1300034.

(PIs: A-L Paul, R.J. Ferl)

NOTE: This article, which includes some ISS results, may be obtained online without charge.



Chen Y, Brandizzi F.

Analysis of unfolded protein response in Arabidopsis.

Methods Mol Biol. 2013;1043:73-80.

(PI: F. Brandizzi)



Other papers of interest:



Pastushkova LKh, Kireev KS, Kononikhin AS, Tiys ES, Popov IA, Starodubtseva NL, Dobrokhotov IV, Ivanisenko VA, Larina IM, Kolchanov NA, Nikolaev EN.

Detection of renal tissue and urinary tract proteins in the human urine after space flight.

PLoS One. 2013 Aug 13;8(8):e71652.

NOTE: ISS results. This article may be obtained online without charge.



Pastushkova LKh, Kireev KS, Kononikhin AS, Ivanisenko VA, Larina IM, Nikolaev EN.

Detection of renal and urinary tract proteins before and after spaceflight.

Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Aug;84(8):859-63.

NOTE: ISS results.



Hahn G, Just A, Hellige G, Dittmar J, Quintel M.

How absolute EIT reflects the dependence of unilateral lung aeration on hyper-gravity and weightlessness?

Physiol Meas. 2013 Sep;34(9):1063-74. Epub 2013 Aug 19.

NOTE: Parabolic flight results.



Iovino P, Chiarioni G, Bilancio G, Cirillo M, Mekjavic IB, Pisot R, Ciacci C.

New onset of constipation during long-term physical inactivity: A proof-of-concept study on the immobility-induced bowel changes.

PLoS One. 2013 Aug 20;8(8):e72608.

NOTE: Still another reason to keep active…

Bed rest study. This article may be obtained online without charge.



Ganse B, Limper U, Bühlmeier J, Rittweger J.

Petechiae: Reproducible pattern of distribution and increased appearance after bed rest.

Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Aug;84(8):864-6.

NOTE: Case report of one individual during a bed rest study.



Williams ND, Wind-Willassen O, Wright AA; REU Program, Mehlsen J, Ottesen JT, Olufsen MS.

Patient-specific modelling of head-up tilt.

Math Med Biol. 2013 Aug 18. [Epub ahead of print]



Inoue N, Tachibana S.

An isolation and confinement facility for the selection of astronaut candidates.

Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Aug;84(8):867-71.



Kuypers MI.

Emergency and wilderness medicine training for physician astronauts on exploration class missions.

Wilderness Environ Med. 2013 Aug 16. [Epub ahead of print]

NOTE: From article: “This paper focuses on the medical and communication challenges of exploration type missions and explicates the value of combined emergency medicine (EM) and wilderness medicine (WM) training for astronaut physicians. . . The fellowship program in WM as offered by the Wilderness Medical Society and several universities may prove to be vital adjunct training.”



Truszczynski O, Wojtkowiak M, Lewkowicz R, Biernacki MP, Kowalczuk K.

Reaction time in pilots at sustained acceleration of +4.5 G(z).

Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Aug;84(8):845-9.



Simmet DM, Schwarzwalder A, Paulsen K, Tauber S, Engelmann F, Thiel CS, Ullrich O.

Biotechnology for the investigation of the monocyte-macrophage-system in microgravity and space.

Recent Progr Space Technol. 2013 Jun;3(1):48-63.

NOTE: Review of technology used in simulated microgravity and in various flight experiments, including parabolic, sounding rocket, Shenzhou, and future ISS flight. This article may be obtained online without charge.



Hirmer T, Clément G.

Digital vision systems and wearable computing technologies for assisting astronauts during intra- and extra-vehicular activity.

Recent Progr Space Technol. 2013 Jun;3(1):64-73.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Zander V, Anken R, Pesquet T, Brungs S, Latsch J.

Short radius centrifuges – A new approach for life science experiments under hyper-g conditions for applications in space and beyond.

Recent Progr Space Technol. 2013 Jun;3(1):74-81.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Xu Y, Shao C, Fedorov VB, Goropashnaya AV, Barnes BM, Yan J.

Molecular signatures of mammalian hibernation: Comparisons with alternative phenotypes.

BMC Genomics. 2013 Aug 20;14:567.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Wall BT, Dirks ML, van Loon LJ.

Skeletal muscle atrophy during short-term disuse: Implications for age-related sarcopenia.

Ageing Res Rev. 2013 Aug 12;12(4):898-906. [Epub ahead of print]

NOTE: Focus of the article (from the abstract): “Short-term disuse atrophy is of particular relevance in the development of sarcopenia, as it has been suggested that successive short periods of muscle disuse, due to sickness or injury, accumulate throughout an individual’s lifespan and contributes considerably to the net muscle loss observed with aging.”



Ohno Y, Fujiya H, Goto A, Nakamura A, Nishiura Y, Sugiura T, Ohira Y, Yoshioka T, Goto K.

Microcurrent electrical nerve stimulation facilitates regrowth of mouse soleus muscle.

Int J Med Sci. 2013 Aug 7;10(10):1286-94.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Benavides Damm T, Franco-Obregón A, Egli M.

Gravitational force modulates G 2/M phase exit in mechanically unloaded myoblasts.

Cell Cycle. 2013 Aug 14;12(18). [Epub ahead of print]

NOTE: Simulated microgravity was provided by a random positioning machine. Hypergravity was provided by a “hyperfuge,” “a centrifuge specially constructed for research under HG conditions, where the speed and the angle of inclination of the cell culture flasks can be regulated to obtain the desired HG force ranging from 2 to 150 g.” This article may be obtained online without charge.



Shwartz Y, Blitz E, Zelzer E.

One load to rule them all: Mechanical control of the musculoskeletal system in development and aging.



Picard M, Gentil BJ, McManus MJ, White K, St Louis K, Gartside SE, Wallace DC, Turnbull DM.

Acute exercise remodels mitochondrial membrane interactions in mouse skeletal muscle.

J Appl Physiol. 2013 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]



St Pierre Schneider B, Moonie S, Fulkerson ND, Nicholas J, Bammler T, Voss JG.

Simulated flight, muscle genetics, and inflammatory indicators in mice.

Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Aug;84(8):840-4.



Zhang J, Wang JH.

The effects of mechanical loading on tendons – an in vivo and in vitro model study.

PLoS One. 2013 Aug 19;8(8):e71740.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Siu WS, Ko CH, Hung LK, Lau CP, Lau CB, Fung KP, Leung PC.

Effect of anti-osteoporotic agents on the prevention of bone loss in unloaded bone.

Mol Med Rep. 2013 Oct;8(4):1188-94. Epub 2013 Aug 20.



Wang H, Brennan TA, Russell E, Kim JH, Egan KP, Chen Q, Israelite C, Schultz DC, Johnson FB, Pignolo RJ.

R-spondin 1 promotes vibration-induced bone formation in mouse models of osteoporosis.

J Mol Med (Berl). 2013 Aug 24. [Epub ahead of print]



Gómez-Bruton A, Gónzalez-Agüero A, Gómez-Cabello A, Casajús JA, Vicente-Rodríguez G.

Is bone tissue really affected by swimming? A systematic review.

PLoS One. 2013 Aug 7;8(8):e70119.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Bruno AG, Broe KE, Zhang X, Samelson EJ, Meng C, Manoharan R, D’Agostino J, Cupples LA, Kiel DP, Bouxsein ML.

Vertebral size, bone density, and strength in men and women matched for age and areal spine BMD.

J Bone Miner Res. 2013 Aug 16. [Epub ahead of print]



Nakajima NI, Brunton H, Watanabe R, Shrikhande A, Hirayama R, Matsufuji N, Fujimori A, Murakami T, Okayasu R, Jeggo P, Shibata A.

Visualisation of γH2AX foci caused by heavy ion particle traversal; distinction between core track versus non-track damage.

PLoS One. 2013 Aug 14;8(8):e70107.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Bracalente C, Ibañez IL, Molinari B, Palmieri M, Kreiner A, Valda A, Davidson J, Durán H.

Induction and persistence of large γH2AX foci by high linear energy transfer radiation in DNA-dependent protein kinase-deficient cells.

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2013 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]



Heuskin AC, Michiels C, Lucas S.

Low dose hypersensitivity following in vitro cell irradiation with charged particles: Is the mechanism the same as with X-ray radiation?

Int J Radiat Biol. 2013 Aug 20. [Epub ahead of print]



Caffrey JA, Hamby DM.

Space radiation dosimetry: Overview and recent developments.

Recent Progr Space Technol. 2013 Jun;3(1):3-12.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Mortazavi SM.

Space radiobiology and the new era of induced radioresistance: Should traditional concepts be moved to science history museums?

Technol Health Care. 2013 Jan 1;21(4):285-9.



Wang LJ, He SY, Niu DB, Guo JP, Xu YL, Wang DS, Cao Y, Zhao Q, Tan C, Li ZL, Tang GH, Li YH, Bai YQ.

Early processing variations in selective attention to the color and direction of moving stimuli during 30 days head-down bed rest.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):29-37.

NOTE: Bed rest study. This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.



Sakajiri T, Tanaka Y, Sano A.

Relation between gravitational and arm-movement direction in the mechanism of perception in bimanual steering.

Exp Brain Res. 2013 Aug 23. [Epub ahead of print]



D’Andola M, Cesqui B, Portone A, Fernandez L, Lacquaniti F, d’Avella A.

Spatiotemporal characteristics of muscle patterns for ball catching.

Front Comput Neurosci. 2013 Aug 7;7:107.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Keshavarz B, Hecht H.

Pleasant music as a countermeasure against visually induced motion sickness.

Appl Ergon. 2013 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print]



McKinley RA, Gallimore JJ.

Computational model of sustained acceleration effects on human cognitive performance.

Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Aug;84(8):780-8.



Malle C, Quinette P, Laisney M, Bourrilhon C, Boissin J, Desgranges B, Eustache F, Piérard C.

Working memory impairment in pilots exposed to acute hypobaric hypoxia.

Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Aug;84(8):773-9.



Austen K, Kluger C, Freikamp A, Chrostek-Grashoff A, Grashoff C.

Generation and analysis of biosensors to measure mechanical forces within cells.

Methods Mol Biol. 2013;1066:169-84.



Kim DH, Chambliss AB, Wirtz D.

The multi-faceted role of the actin cap in cellular mechanosensation and mechanotransduction.

Soft Matter. 2013 Jun 21;9(23):5516-23.



Janmey PA, Wells RG, Assoian RK, McCulloch CA.

From tissue mechanics to transcription factors.



Janoštiak R, Brábek J, Auernheimer V, Tatárová Z, Lautscham LA, Dey T, Gemperle J, Merkel R, Goldmann WH, Fabry B, Rösel D.

CAS directly interacts with vinculin to control mechanosensing and focal adhesion dynamics.

Cell Mol Life Sci. 2013 Aug 25. [Epub ahead of print]

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Moore CR, Johnson LS, Kwak IY, Livny M, Broman KW, Spalding EP.

High-throughput computer vision introduces the time axis to a quantitative trait map of a plant growth response.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge.



Sakuraia M, Sone Y, Nishida T, Matsushima H, Fukunaka Y.

Fundamental study of water electrolysis for life support system in space.

Electrochim Acta. 2013 Jun 30;100:350-7.



Li L, Zhao Z, Liu H.

Feasibility of feeding yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.) in bioregenerative life support systems as a source of animal protein for humans.

Acta Astronaut. 2013 Nov;92(1):103-9.

NOTE: This article may be obtained online without charge until the end of October 2013.


SpaceRef staff editor.