Status Report

NASA Spaceline 4 October 2007 Current Space Life Science Awareness

By SpaceRef Editor
November 1, 2007
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The abstract in PubMed or at the publisher’s site is linked when available and will open in a new window.

  1. Chen X, Macica C, Nasiri A, Judex S, Broadus AE.
    Mechanical regulation of PTHrP expression in entheses.
    Bone. 2007 Aug 11; [Epub ahead of print]
    (PI: S. Judex)
  2. Sachs RK, Shuryak I, Brenner D, Fakir H, Hlatky L, Hahnfeldt P.
    Second cancers after fractionated radiotherapy: Stochastic population dynamics effects.
    J Theor Biol. 2007 Aug 12; [Epub ahead of print]
    (PI: L. Hlatky/R.K. Sachs)
  3. Elias PZ, Jarchow T, Young LR.
    Modeling sensory conflict and motion sickness in artificial gravity.
    Acta Astronaut. 2007 Sep 4; [Epub ahead of print]
    (PI: L.R. Young)
  4. Hueser D, Wolff C, Berg HE, Tesch PA, Cork M.
    The fly wheel exercise device (FWED): A countermeasure against bone loss and muscle atrophy.
    Acta Astronaut. 2007 May 23; [Epub ahead of print]
    (PI: P.A. Tesch)
  5. St Hilaire MA, Gronfier C, Zeitzer JM, Klerman EB.
    A physiologically based mathematical model of melatonin including ocular light suppression and interactions with the circadian pacemaker.
    J Pineal Res. 2007 Oct;43(3):294-304.
    (PIs: E.B Klerman, C.A. Czeisler)
  6. Li Y, Wang N, Hong M, Turner ND, Lupton JR, Carroll RJ.
    Nonparametric estimation of correlation functions in longitudinal and spatial data, with application to colon carcinogenesis experiments.
    Ann Stat. 2007 Aug;35(4):1608-43.
    (PI: J.R. Lupton)
  7. Prasad S, Pierce KM, Schmidt H, Rao JV, Guth R, Bader S, Synovec RE, Smith GB, Eiceman GA.
    Analysis of bacteria by pyrolysis gas chromatography-differential mobility spectrometry and isolation of chemical components with a dependence on growth temperature.
    Analyst. 2007 Oct;132(10):1031-9. Epub 2007 Jul 19.
    (PI: G.A. Eiceman)

Other papers of interest:

  1. Schneider S, Brummer V, Carnahan H, Dubrowski A, Askew CD, Struder HK.
    Stress hormone stability: Processing of blood samples collected during parabolic flight. A pre-flight comparison of different protocols.
    Clin Biochem. 2007 Aug 16; [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Kvochina L, Hasser EM, Heesch CM.
    Pregnancy increases baroreflex independent GABAergic inhibition of the RVLM in rats.
    Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007 Sep 26; [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Oishi Y, Ogata T, Yamamoto KI, Terada M, Ohira T, Ohira Y, Taniguchi K, Roy RR.
    Cellular adaptations in soleus muscle during recovery after hindlimb unloading.
    Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2007 Sep 24; [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Ferreira R, Neuparth MJ, Vitorino R, Appell HJ, Amado F, Duarte JA.
    Evidences of apoptosis during the early phases of soleus muscle atrophy in hindlimb suspended mice.
    Physiol Res. 2007 Jul 26; [Epub ahead of print]
    This paper can be obtained online without charge.

  5. Wagatsuma A.
    Effect of hindlimb unweighting on expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha, vascular endothelial growth factor, angiopoietin, and their receptors in mouse skeletal muscle.
    Physiol Res. 2007 Jul 26; [Epub ahead of print]
    This paper can be obtained online without charge.

  6. Wang Y, McNamara LM, Schaffler MB, Weinbaum S.
    A model for the role of integrins in flow induced mechanotransduction in osteocytes.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Oct 2;104(40):15941-6. Epub 2007 Sep 25.
    From summary in paper: “In summary, our theoretical model shows that integrin-based attachment complexes along osteocyte cell processes would dramatically and focally amplify small tissue-level strains. Given the increasing evidence that integrins play a central role in cation channel regulation, it seems reasonable to speculate that high focal strain concentrations at these attachment sites play a direct role in osteocyte mechanotransduction.”

  7. Akopian VP, Sotskii VP, Zhamgarian LG.
    [Changes in free amino acid contents in the liver and heart under the conditions of restricted movement activity]
    Biomed Khim. 2007 May-Jun;53(3):307-12. Russian.
  8. Bao JX, Zhang LF, Ma J.
    Angiotensinogen and AT1R expression in cerebral and femoral arteries during hindlimb unloading in rats.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007 Sep;78(9):852-8.
  9. Morad Y, Azaria B, Avni I, Barkana Y, Zadok D, Kohen-Raz R, Barenboim E.
    Posturography as an indicator of fatigue due to sleep deprivation.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007 Sep;78(9):859-63.
  10. Caruso JF, Coday MA, Monda JK, Roberts KP, Potter WT.
    Body mass and exercise variable relationships to lactate derived from gravity-independent devices.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007 Sep;78(9):864-70.
    Flywheel ergometer was used.

  11. Sarris A.
    Antarctic culture: 50 years of Antarctic expeditions.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007 Sep;78(9):886-92.
  12. Dasu A, Toma-Dasu I.
    What is the clinically relevant relative biologic effectiveness? A warning for fractionated treatments with high linear energy transfer radiation.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Sep 20; [Epub ahead of print]
  13. Kunin M, Osaki Y, Cohen B, Raphan T.
    Rotation axes of the head during positioning, head shaking and locomotion.
    J Neurophysiol. 2007 Sep 26; [Epub ahead of print]
  14. Baures R, Benguigui N, Amorim MA, Siegler IA.
    Intercepting free falling objects: Better use Occam’s razor than internalize Newton’s law.
    Vision Res. 2007 Sep 18; [Epub ahead of print]
  15. Wolbang CM, Davies NW, Taylor SA, Ross JJ.
    Gravistimulation leads to asymmetry of both auxin and gibberellin levels in barley pulvini.
    Physiol Plant. 2007 Sep;131(1):140-8.
  16. Paxton LJ.
    “Faster, better, and cheaper” at NASA: Lessons learned in managing and accepting risk.
    Acta Astronaut. 2007 Nov;61(10):954-63.
    This paper can be obtained online without charge via the Table of Contents. Click on the above link to go the the publisher’s abstract, then click on the volume and issue (“Volume 61, Issue 10”), then scroll down the Table of Contents to the citation.

  17. Launius RD.
    Underlying assumptions of human spaceflight in the United States.
    Acta Astronaut. 2007 Aug 8; [Epub ahead of print]

SpaceRef staff editor.