Status Report

NASA Spaceline 24 June 2005 Current Space Life Science Awareness

By SpaceRef Editor
June 24, 2005
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PubMed’s abstract is linked when available and each will open in a new window.

  1. Shearer WT, Zhang S, Reuben JM, Lee BN, Butel JS.
    Effects of radiation and latent virus on immune responses in a space flight model.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Jun;115(6):1297-303.
    (HSR&T PIs: W.T. Shearer, J.S. Butel)
  2. McNeil PL, Kirchhausen T.
    An emergency response team for membrane repair.
    Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2005 Jun;6(6):499-505.
    (HSR&T PI: P.L. McNeil)
    Note (#2)
    The cover of this issue contains an artist’s interpretation “inspired” by this paper. Click on “about the cover” for the June 2005 issue.

  3. Moore ST, Hirasaki E, Raphan T, Cohen B.
    Instantaneous rotation axes during active head movements.
    J Vestib Res. 2005;15(2):73-80.
    (HSRT PI: S.T. Moore)
  4. Kassemi M, Oas JG, Deserranno D.
    Fluid-structural dynamics of ground-based and microgravity caloric tests.
    J Vestib Res. 2005;15(2):93-107.
  5. Krukowski AE, Stone LS.
    Expansion of direction space around the cardinal axes revealed by smooth pursuit eye movements.
    Neuron. 2005 Jan 20;45(2):315-23.
    (HSR&T PI: L.S. Stone)
  6. Lewis TA, Tzeng YS, McKinstry EL, Tooker AC, Hong K, Sun Y, Mansour J, Handler Z, Albert MS.
    Quantification of airway diameters and 3D airway tree rendering from dynamic hyperpolarized 3He magnetic resonance imaging.
    Magn Reson Med. 2005 Feb;53(2):474-8.
    (HSR&T PI: M.S. Albert)
  7. Van Dongen HP, Dinges DF.
    Sleep, circadian rhythms, and psychomotor vigilance.
    Clin Sports Med. 2005 Apr;24(2):237-49, vii-viii.
    (HSR&T PIs: H.P. Van Dongen, D.F. Dinges)
  8. Rogers NL, Dinges DF.
    Caffeine: implications for alertness in athletes.
    Clin Sports Med. 2005 Apr;24(2):e1-13, x-xi.
    (HSR&T PI: D.F. Dinges)
  9. Monk TH.
    The post-lunch dip in performance.
    Clin Sports Med. 2005 Apr;24(2):e15-23, xi-xii.
    (HSR&T PI: T.H. Monk)
  10. Davidson AJ, London B, Block GD, Menaker M.
    Cardiovascular tissues contain independent circadian clocks.
    Clin Exp Hypertens. 2005 Feb-Apr;27(2-3):307-11.
    (HSR&T PI: M. Menaker)
  11. Balhoff JP, Wray GA.
    Evolutionary analysis of the well characterized endo16 promoter reveals substantial variation within functional sites.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Jun 14;102(24):8591-6. Epub 2005 Jun 3.
    (HSR&T PI: G.A. Wray)
  12. Hei TK, Miller J, Eds.
    Space life sciences: ground-based iron-ion biology and physics, including shielding.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):175-319.
    Note (#12)
    This issue consists of 20 papers (15 in this section and 5 in the Other section) from the 35th COSPAR meeting. The focus is on recent advances in ground-based studies of high-energy iron ions, including both physics and biology reports.

  13. Durante M, Kronenberg A.
    Ground-based research with heavy ions for space radiation protection.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):180-4. Review.
    (HSR&T PI: A. Kronenberg)
  14. Wilson JW, Tweed J, Walker SA, Cucinotta FA, Tripathi RK, Blattnig S, Mertens CJ.
    A procedure for benchmarking laboratory exposures with 1 A GeV iron ions.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):185-93.
    (HSR&T PIs: J.W. Wilson and F.A. Cucinotta)
  15. Tweed J, Walker SA, Wilson JW, Cucinotta FA, Tripathi RK, Blattnig S, Mertens CJ.
    Computational methods for the HZETRN code.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):194-201.
    (HSR&T PIs: J.W. Wilson and F.A. Cucinotta)
  16. Walker SA, Tweed J, Wilson JW, Cucinotta FA, Tripathi RK, Blattnig S, Zeitlin C, Heilbronn L, Miller J.
    Validation of the HZETRN code for laboratory exposures with 1A GeV iron ions in several targets.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):202-7.
    (HSR&T PIs: J.W. Wilson, F.A. Cucinotta, and J. Miller)
  17. Sato T, Sihver L, Iwase H, Nakashima H, Niita K.
    Simulations of an accelerator-based shielding experiment using the particle and heavy-ion transport code system PHITS.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):208-13.
  18. Aiginger H, Andersen V, Ballarini F, Battistoni G, Campanella M, Carboni M, Cerutti F, Empl A, Enghardt W, Fasso A, Ferrari A, Gadioli E, Garzelli MV, Lee K, Ottolenghi A, Parodi K, Pelliccioni M, Pinsky L, Ranft J, Roesler S, Sala PR, Scannicchio D, Smirnov G, Sommerer F, Wilson T, Zapp N.
    The FLUKA code: new developments and application to 1 GeV/n iron beams.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):214-22.
    (HSR&T PI: L.W. Townsend)
  19. La Tessa C, Guetersloh S, Heilbronn L, Miller J, Sihver L, Zeitlin C.
    Fragmentation of 1 GeV/nucleon iron ions in thick targets relevant for space exploration.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):223-9.
    (HSR&T PI: J. Miller)
  20. Scampoli P, Durante M, Grossi G, Manti L, Pugliese M, Gialanella G.
    Fragmentation studies of relativistic iron ions using plastic nuclear track detectors.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):230-5.
  21. Desai N, Durante M, Lin ZW, Cucinotta F, Wu H.
    High LET-induced H2AX phosphorylation around the Bragg curve.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):236-42.
    (HSR&T PI: F.A. Cucinotta)
  22. Esposito G, Antonelli F, Belli M, Campa A, Dini V, Furusawa Y, Simone G, Sorrentino E, Tabocchini MA.
    DNA DSB induced by iron ions in human fibroblasts: LET dependence and shielding efficiency.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):243-8.
  23. Hall EJ, Brenner DJ, Worgul B, Smilenov L.
    Genetic susceptibility to radiation.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):249-53.
    (HSR&T PI: E.J. Hall)
  24. Worgul BV, Smilenov L, Brenner DJ, Vazquez M, Hall EJ.
    Mice heterozygous for the ATM gene are more sensitive to both X-ray and heavy ion exposure than are wildtypes.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):254-9.
    (HSR&T PI: E.J. Hall)
  25. Behravesh E, Emami K, Wu H, Gonda S.
    Comparison of genotoxic damage in monolayer cell cultures and three-dimensional tissue-like cell assemblies.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):260-7.
    (HSR&T PI: S. Gonda)
  26. Bettega D, Calzolari P, Doneda L, Durante M, Tallone L.
    Early and delayed reproductive death in human cells exposed to high energy iron ion beams.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):280-5.
  27. Ayala-Silva T, Beyl CA.
    Changes in spectral reflectance of wheat leaves in response to specific macronutrient deficiency.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):305-17.

Other papers of interest:

  1. Christensen NJ, Heer M, Ivanova K, Norsk P.
    Sympathetic nervous activity decreases during head down bed rest but not during microgravity.
    J Appl Physiol. 2005 Jun 16; [Epub ahead of print]
    Note A
    Reports results of three Soyuz missions to ISS.

  2. Mizuno K, Inoue Y, Tanaka H, Komada Y, Saito H, Mishima K, Shirakawa S.
    Heart rate variability under acute simulated microgravity during daytime waking state and nocturnal sleep: Comparison of horizontal and 6 degrees head-down bed rest.
    Neurosci Lett. 2005 Jul 8;383(1-2):115-20. Epub 2005 Apr 18.
  3. Bouet V, Dijk F, Ijkema-Paassen J, Wubbels RJ, van der Want JJ, Gramsbergen A.
    Early hypergravity exposure effects calbindin-D28k and inositol-3-phosphate expression in Purkinje cells.
    Neurosci Lett. 2005 Jul 1;382(1-2):10-5. Epub 2005 Apr 12.
  4. Schuck EL, Grant M, Derendorf H.
    Effect of simulated microgravity on the disposition and tissue penetration of ciprofloxacin in healthy volunteers.
    J Clin Pharmacol. 2005 Jul;45(7):822-31.
    Note D
    Microgravity simulated by head-down tilt bed rest.

  5. Giresi PG, Stevenson EJ, Theilhaber J, Koncarevic A, Parkington J, Fielding RA, Kandarian SC.
    Identification of a molecular signature of sarcopenia.
    Physiol Genomics. 2005 Apr 14;21(2):253-63. Epub 2005 Feb 1.
  6. Smith PF, Zheng Y, Horii A, Darlington CL.
    Does vestibular damage cause cognitive dysfunction in humans?
    J Vestib Res. 2005;15(1):1-9.
  7. Jauregui-Renaud K, Villanueva PL, del Castillo MS.
    Influence of acute unilateral vestibular lesions on the respiratory rhythm after active change of posture in human subjects.
    J Vestib Res. 2005;15(1):41-8.
  8. Schmal F, Glitz B, Thiede O, Stoll W.
    Effect of angular acceleration on the localization performance of a remembered target.
    J Vestib Res. 2005;15(2):81-92.
  9. Mendonca MS, Mayhugh BM, McDowell B, Chin-Sinex H, Smith ML, Dynlacht JR, Spandau DF, Lewis DA.
    A radiation-induced acute apoptosis involving TP53 and BAX precedes the delayed apoptosis and neoplastic transformation of CGL1 human hybrid cells.
    Radiat Res. 2005 Jun;163(6):614-22.
  10. Jakob B, Rudolph JH, Gueven N, Lavin MF, Taucher-Scholz G.
    Live cell imaging of heavy-ion-induced radiation responses by beamline microscopy.
    Radiat Res. 2005 Jun;163(6):681-90.
  11. Lee R, Nasonova E, Ritter S.
    Chromosome aberration yields and apoptosis in human lymphocytes irradiated with Fe-ions of differing LET.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):268-75.
  12. Hortsmann M, Durante M, Johannes C, Obe G.
    Chromosomal intrachanges induced by swift iron ions.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):276-9.
  13. Shevchenko GV, Kordyum EL.
    Organization of cytoskeleton during differentiation of gravisensitive root sites under clinorotation.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):289-95.
  14. Hemmersbach R, Krause M, Braucker R, Ivanova K.
    Graviperception in ciliates: steps in the transduction chain.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):296-9.
    Note N
    Reports parabolic flight results.

  15. Craven PA, Rycroft MJ.
    Analysis of secondary electron emission spectra of equal-LET protons and alpha particles for purposes of radiation quality and spaceflight hazard assessment.
    Adv Space Res. 2005;35(2):300-4.

SpaceRef staff editor.