NASA Spaceline 19 October 2007 Current Space Life Science Awareness
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Sibonga JD, Evans HJ, Sung HG, Spector ER, Lang TF, Oganov VS, Bakulin AV, Shackelford LC, Leblanc AD.
Recovery of spaceflight-induced bone loss: Bone mineral density after long-duration missions as fitted with an exponential function.
Bone. 2007 Aug 22; [Epub ahead of print]
(PI: T.F. Lang)
Mir and ISS results. From abstract: “In sum, averaged losses of bone mineral after long-duration spaceflight ranged between 2% and 9% across all sites with our recovery model predicting a 50% restoration of bone loss for all sites to be within 9 months.”
Edgell H, Zuj KA, Greaves DK, Shoemaker JK, Custaud MA, Kerbeci P, Arbeille P, Hughson RL.
WISE-2005: Adrenergic responses of women following 56-days, 6o head-down bed rest with or without exercise countermeasures.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007 Oct 10; [Epub ahead of print]
Mark S.
From Earth to Mars: Sex differences and their implications for musculoskeletal health.
J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2007;15 Suppl 1:S19-21.
This paper can be obtained online without charge.
Ray CA, Carter JR.
Central modulation of exercise-induced muscle pain in humans.
J Physiol. 2007 Oct 11; [Epub ahead of print]
(PI: C.A. Ray)
Riechman SE, Andrews RD, MacLean DA, Sheather S.
Statins and dietary and serum cholesterol are associated with increased lean mass following resistance training.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 Oct;62(10):1164-71.
(PI: D.A. MacLean)
Vlkolinsky R, Krucker T, Smith AL, Lamp TC, Nelson GA, Obenaus A.
Effects of lipopolysaccharide on 56Fe-particle radiation-induced impairment of synaptic plasticity in the mouse hippocampus.
Radiat Res. 2007 Oct;168(4):462-70.
(PI: G.A. Nelson)
Abercromby AF, Amonette WE, Layne CS, McFarlin BK, Hinman MR, Paloski WH.
Vibration exposure and biodynamic responses during whole-body vibration training.
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007 Oct;39(10):1794-800.
(PIs: A.F. Abercromby, NSBRI Summer Internship Program; W.H. Paloski)
Moore ST, Macdougall HG, Ondo WG.
Ambulatory monitoring of freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease.
J Neurosci Methods. 2007 Sep 2; [Epub ahead of print]
(PI: S.T. Moore)
Basner M, Fomberstein KM, Razavi FM, Banks S, William JH, Rosa RR, Dinges DF.
American Time Use Survey: Sleep time and its relationship to waking activities.
Sleep. 2007 Sep 1;30(9):1085-95.
(PI: D.F. Dinges)
Van Dongen HP, Mott CG, Huang JK, Mollicone DJ, McKenzie FD, Dinges DF.
Optimization of biomathematical model predictions for cognitive performance impairment in individuals: Accounting for unknown traits and uncertain states in homeostatic and circadian processes.
Sleep. 2007 Sep 1;30(9):1129-43.
(PI: H.P. Van Dongen/D.F. Dinges)
Yang Y, Soyemi OO, Scott PJ, Landry MR, Lee SM, Stroud L, Soller BR.
Quantitative measurement of muscle oxygen saturation without influence from skin and fat using continuous-wave near infrared spectroscopy.
Opt Express. 2007 Oct 17;15(21):13715-30.
(PI: B.R. Soller)
This paper can be obtained online without charge.
Ghosh K, Ingber DE.
Micromechanical control of cell and tissue development: Implications for tissue engineering.
Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2007 Aug 16; [Epub ahead of print]
(PI: D.E. Ingber)
Other papers of interest:
Wilson TE, Tollund C, Yoshiga CC, Dawson EA, Nissen P, Secher NH, Crandall CG.
Effects of heat and cold stress on central vascular pressure relationships during orthostasis in humans.
J Physiol. 2007 Sep 27; [Epub ahead of print]
Watanabe H, Teramoto W, Umemura H.
Effect of predictive sign of acceleration on heart rate variability in passive translation situation: Preliminary evidence using visual and vestibular stimuli in VR environment.
J Neuroengineering Rehabil. 2007 Sep 29;4:36 [Epub ahead of print]
This paper can be obtained online without charge.
Kuipers NT, Sauder CL, Kearney ML, Ray CA.
Changes in forearm muscle temperature alter renal vascular responses to isometric handgrip.
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2007 Oct 5; [Epub ahead of print]
Hirose T, Nakazato K, Song H, Ishii N.
TGF-{beta}1 and TNF-{alpha} is involved in the transcription of type I collagen {alpha}2 gene in soleus muscle atrophied by mechanical unloading.
J Appl Physiol. 2007 Oct 4; [Epub ahead of print]
Fuster G, Busquets S, Almendro V, Lopez-Soriano FJ, Argiles JM.
Antiproteolytic effects of plasma from hibernating bears: A new approach for muscle wasting therapy?
Clin Nutr. 2007 Sep 26; [Epub ahead of print]
Der Sahakian G, Perruche F, Dabreteau A, Dhainaut JF, Claessens YE, Allo JC.
Aspiration pneumonitis and Newton’s law of gravitation.
Am J Emerg Med. 2007 Oct;25(8):987.e1-2.
From paper: “The unusual localization of pulmonary lesions in our patient may be explained by the fact that the fluid he was drinking was submitted to Newton’s law of gravitation [fluid was aspirated in a certain body position] and then predominated in both apexes of the lung.”
DeVeaux LC, Muller JA, Smith J, Petrisko J, Wells DP, DasSarma S.
Extremely radiation-resistant mutants of a halophilic archaeon with increased single-stranded DNA-binding protein (RPA) gene expression.
Radiat Res. 2007 Oct;168(4):507-14.
This paper can be obtained online without charge.
Abe C, Tanaka K, Awazu C, Morita H.
Strong galvanic vestibular stimulation obscures arterial pressure response to gravitational change in conscious rats.
J Appl Physiol. 2007 Oct 4; [Epub ahead of print]
Personnier P, Paizis C, Ballay Y, Papaxanthis C.
Mentally represented motor actions in normal aging II. The influence of the gravito-inertial context on the duration of overt and covert arm movements.
Behav Brain Res. 2007 Aug 22; [Epub ahead of print]
Lambrey S, Berthoz A.
Gender differences in the use of external landmarks versus spatial representations updated by self-motion.
J Integr Neurosci. 2007 Sep;6(3):379-401.
Agrawal SK, Banala SK, Fattah A, Sangwan V, Krishnamoorthy V, Scholz JP, Hsu WL.
Assessment of motion of a swing leg and gait rehabilitation with a gravity balancing exoskeleton.
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2007 Sep;15(3):410-20.
Myers KA, Rattner JB, Shrive NG, Hart DA.
Hydrostatic pressure sensation in cells: Integration into the tensegrity model.
Biochem Cell Biol. 2007 Oct;85(5):543-51.
This paper can be obtained online without charge.
Li L, Hou X, Tsuge T, Ding M, Aoyama T, Oka A, Gu H, Zhao Y, Qu LJ.
The possible action mechanisms of indole-3-acetic acid methyl ester in Arabidopsis.
Plant Cell Rep. 2007 Oct 10; [Epub ahead of print]