Status Report

NASA Spaceline 17 June 2005 Current Space Life Science Awareness

By SpaceRef Editor
June 17, 2005
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PubMed’s abstract is linked when available and each will open in a new window.

  1. Kaur I, Simons ER, Castro VA, Ott CM, Pierson DL.
    Changes in monocyte functions of astronauts.
    Brain Behav Immun. 2005 May 19; [Epub ahead of print]
    (HSR&T PI: D.L. Pierson)
    Note (#1)
    Shuttle results.

  2. Hughes-Fulford M, Tjandrawinata RR, Li CF, Sayyah S.
    Arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, induces cytoplasmic phospholipase A2 in prostate carcinoma cells.
    Carcinogenesis. 2005 May 5; [Epub ahead of print]
    (HSR&T PI: M. Hughes-Fulford)
  3. Yuen CY, Sedbrook JC, Perrin RM, Carroll KL, Masson PH.
    Loss-of-function mutations of ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE3 suppress root waving, skewing, and epidermal cell file rotation in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Physiol. 2005 Jun;138(2):701-14. Epub 2005 May 20.
    (HSR&T PI: P.H. Masson)
  4. Harrison AA, Nunneley SA, eds.
    New directions in spaceflight behavioral health: a workshop integrating research and application.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):i-iv, B1-223.
    Note (#4)
    This supplement issue contains 28 papers deriving from a NASA-sponsored workshop held December 2-3, 2003 at the University of California, Davis. All papers are included in this list. Copies of this supplement are available. Respond to this emailed list giving your name and address if you would like a copy.

  5. Willams RS, Davis JR.
    A critical strategy: ensuring behavioral health during extended-duration space missions.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B1-2. No abstract available.
  6. Brady JV.
    Behavioral health: the propaedeutic requirement.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B13-24.
    (HSR&T PI: J.V. Brady)
  7. Shepanek M.
    Human behavioral research in space: quandaries for research subjects and researchers.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B25-30.
  8. Fiedler ER, Carpenter FE.
    Evolution of the Behavioral Sciences Branch of the Space Medicine and Health Care Systems Office at the Johnson Space Center.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B31-5.
  9. Sipes WE, Vander Ark ST.
    Operational behavioral health and performance resources for International Space Station crews and families.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B36-41.
  10. Flynn CF.
    An operational approach to long-duration mission behavioral health and performance factors.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B42-51.
  11. Lugg DJ.
    Behavioral health in Antarctica: implications for long-duration space missions.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B74-7.
  12. Stuster J.
    Analogue prototypes for Lunar and Mars exploration.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B78-83.
    (HSR&T PI: J. Stuster)
  13. Wood J, Schmidt L, Lugg D, Ayton J, Phillips T, Shepanek M.
    Life, survival, and behavioral health in small closed communities: 10 years of studying isolated Antarctic groups.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B89-93.
    (HSR&T PI: J. Wood)
  14. Mallis MM, DeRoshia CW.
    Circadian rhythms, sleep, and performance in space.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B94-107.
    (HSR&T PI: M.M. Mallis)
  15. Musson DM, Helmreich RL.
    Long-term personality data collection in support of spaceflight and analogue research.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B119-25.
    (HSR&T PI: R.L. Helmreich)
  16. Kanas N.
    Interpersonal issues in space: Shuttle/Mir and beyond.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B126-34.
    (HSR&T PI: N. Kanas)
    Note (#16)
    Reports Shuttle/Mir results.

  17. Ritsher JB.
    Cultural factors and the International Space Station.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B135-44.
    (HSR&T PI: N. Kanas)
    Note (#17)
    Review reports Shuttle/Mir results.

  18. Caldwell BS.
    Multi-team dynamics and distributed expertise in mission operations.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B145-53.
    (HSR&T PI: B.S. Caldwell)
  19. Orasanu J.
    Crew collaboration in space: a naturalistic decision-making perspective.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B154-63.
    (HSR&T PI: J. Orasanu)
  20. Dinges DF, Rider RL, Dorrian J, McGlinchey EL, Rogers NL, Cizman Z, Goldenstein SK, Vogler C, Venkataraman S, Metaxas DN.
    Optical computer recognition of facial expressions associated with stress induced by performance demands.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B172-82.
    (HSR&T PI: D.F. Dinges)
  21. Kane RL, Short P, Sipes W, Flynn CF.
    Development and validation of the Spaceflight Cognitive Assessment Tool for Windows (WinSCAT).
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B183-91.
  22. Shephard JM, Kosslyn SM.
    The MiniCog Rapid Assessment Battery: developing a “blood pressure cuff for the mind”.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B192-7.
    (HSR&T PI: S.M. Kosslyn)
  23. Lieberman P, Morey A, Hochstadt J, Larson M, Mather S.
    Mount Everest: a space analogue for speech monitoring of cognitive deficits and stress.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B198-207.
    (HSR&T PI: P. Lieberman)
  24. Carter JA, Buckey JC, Greenhalgh L, Holland AW, Hegel MT.
    An interactive media program for managing psychosocial problems on long-duration spaceflights.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B213-23.
    (HSR&T PI: J.A. Carter)

Other papers of interest:

  1. Harrison AA.
    Behavioral health: integrating research and application in support of exploration missions.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B3-12.
  2. Palinkas LA, Allred CA, Landsverk JA.
    Models of research-operational collaboration for behavioral health in space.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B52-60.
  3. Suedfeld P.
    Invulnerability, coping, salutogenesis, integration: four phases of space psychology.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B61-6.
  4. Steel GD.
    Whole lot of parts: stress in extreme environments.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B67-73.
  5. Leon GR.
    Men and women in space.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B84-8.
  6. Comperatore CA, Rivera PK, Kingsley L.
    Enduring the shipboard stressor complex: a systems approach.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B108-18.
  7. Wichman HA.
    Behavioral and health implications of civilian spaceflight.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B164-71.
  8. Genik RJ 2nd, Green CC, Graydon FX, Armstrong RE.
    Cognitive avionics and watching spaceflight crews think: generation-after-next research tools in functional neuroimaging.
    Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Jun;76(6 Suppl):B208-12.
  9. Lange S, Xiang F, Yakovenko A, Vihola A, Hackman P, Rostkova E, Kristensen J, Brandmeier B, Franzen G, Hedberg B, Gunnarsson LG, Hughes SM, Marchand S, Sejersen T, Richard I, Edstrom L, Ehler E, Udd B, Gautel M.
    The kinase domain of titin controls muscle gene expression and protein turnover.
    Science. 2005 Jun 10;308(5728):1599-603. Epub 2005 Mar 31.
  10. Egana M, Green S.
    Effect of body tilt on calf muscle performance and blood flow in humans.
    J Appl Physiol. 2005 Jun;98(6):2249-58. Epub 2005 Jan 20.
  11. Stegemann JP, Hong H, Nerem RM.
    Mechanical, biochemical, and extracellular matrix effects on vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype.
    J Appl Physiol. 2005 Jun;98(6):2321-7.
  12. Mckoy G, Hou Y, Yang SY, Vega Avelaira D, Degens H, Goldspink G, Coulton GR.
    Expression of Ankrd2 in fast and slow muscles and its response to stretch are consistent with a role in slow muscle function.
    J Appl Physiol. 2005 Jun;98(6):2337-43; discussion 2320. Epub 2005 Jan 27.
  13. Zhou D, Herrick DJ, Rosenbloom J, Chaqour B.
    Cyr61 mediates the expression of VEGF, alpha(v)-integrin, and alpha-actin genes through cytoskeletally based mechanotransduction mechanisms in bladder smooth muscle cells.
    J Appl Physiol. 2005 Jun;98(6):2344-54. Epub 2005 Jan 13.
  14. Reich A, Jaffe N, Tong A, Lavelin I, Genina O, Pines M, Sklan D, Nussinovitch A, Monsonego-Ornan E.
    Weight loading young chicks inhibits bone elongation and promotes growth plate ossification and vascularization.
    J Appl Physiol. 2005 Jun;98(6):2381-9. Epub 2005 Jan 27.
  15. Ramat S, Straumann D, Zee DS.
    The interaural translational VOR: suppression, enhancement and cognitive control.
    J Neurophysiol. 2005 May 18; [Epub ahead of print]
  16. Karino S, Ito K, Ochiai A, Murofushi T.
    Independent effects of simultaneous inputs from the saccule and lateral semicircular canal. Evaluation using VEMPs.
    Clin Neurophysiol. 2005 Jul;116(7):1707-15.
  17. Jordan MJ, Norris SR, Smith DJ, Herzog W.
    Vibration training: an overview of the area, training consequences, and future considerations.
    J Strength Cond Res. 2005 May;19(2):459-66.
  18. Saiki M, Fujita H, Soga K, Wakabayashi K, Kamisaka S, Yamashita M, Hoson T.
    Cellular basis for the automorphic curvature of rice coleoptiles on a three-dimensional clinostat: possible involvement of reorientation of cortical microtubules.
    J Plant Res. 2005 Jun 4; [Epub ahead of print]

SpaceRef staff editor.