NASA Spaceline 14 April 2006 Current Space Life Science Awareness
PubMed’s abstract is linked when available and each will open in a new window.
Prisk GK, Fine JM, Cooper TK, West JB.
Vital capacity, respiratory muscle strength and pulmonary gas exchange during long-duration exposure to microgravity.
J Appl Physiol. 2006 Apr 6; [Epub ahead of print]
(HSR&T PIs: G.K. Prisk, J.B. West)
ISS results.
Henderson AC, Levin DL, Hopkins SR, Olfert IM, Buxton RB, Prisk GK.
Steep head-down tilt has persisting effects on the distribution of pulmonary blood flow.
J Appl Physiol. 2006 Apr 6; [Epub ahead of print]
(HSR&T PI: J.B. West)
Shi Y, Liu CH, Roberts AI, Das J, Xu G, Ren G, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Yuan ZR, Tan HS, Das G, Devadas S.
Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and T-cell responses: what we do and don’t know.
Cell Res. 2006 Feb;16(2):126-33.
(HSR&T PI: Y. Shi)
This paper can be obtained online without charge.
Roden JC, King BW, Trout D, Mortazavi A, Wold BJ, Hart CE.
Mining gene expression data by interpreting principal components.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2006 Apr 7;7(1):194 [Epub ahead of print]
(HSR&T PI: B.J. Wold)
This paper can be obtained online without charge.
Khokhlova VA, Bailey MR, Reed JA, Cunitz BW, Kaczkowski PJ, Crum LA.
Effects of nonlinear propagation, cavitation, and boiling in lesion formation by high intensity focused ultrasound in a gel phantom.
J Acoust Soc Am. 2006 Mar;119(3):1834-48.
(HSR&T PI: L.A. Crum)
Guan J, Stewart J, Ware JH, Zhou Z, Donahue JJ, Kennedy AR.
Effects of dietary supplements on the space radiation-induced reduction in total antioxidant status in CBA mice.
Radiat Res. 2006 Apr;165(4):373-8.
(HSR&T PI: A.R. Kennedy)
Chuang EY, Chen X, Tsai MH, Yan H, Li CY, Mitchell JB, Nagasawa H, Wilson PF, Peng Y, Fitzek MM, Bedford JS, Little JB.
Abnormal gene expression profiles in unaffected parents of patients with hereditary-type retinoblastoma.
Cancer Res. 2006 Apr 1;66(7):3428-33.
(HSR&T PIs: CY. Li, R. Ullrich/J.S. Bedford)
Aguzzi J, Bullock NM, Tosini G.
Spontaneous internal desynchronization of locomotor activity and body temperature rhythms from plasma melatonin rhythm in rats exposed to constant dim light.
J Circadian Rhythms. 2006 Apr 4;4(1):6 [Epub ahead of print]
(HSR&T PI: G. Tosini)
This paper can be obtained online without charge.
Armstrong JD, Texada MJ, Munjaal R, Baker DA, Beckingham KM.
Gravitaxis in Drosophila melanogaster: a forward genetic screen.
Genes Brain Behav. 2006 Apr;5(3):222-39.
(HSR&T PI: K.M. Beckingham, NSCORT in Gravitational Biology)
Mutants implicated in gravitaxis in flies were identified by use of a vertical or gravitactic maze. The investigators named a newly discovered gene ?yuri gagarin? since it was identified on the 40th anniversary of the first manned space flight.
Jafar-Nejad H, Tien AC, Acar M, Bellen HJ.
Senseless and Daughterless confer neuronal identity to epithelial cells in the Drosophila wing margin.
Development. 2006 May 1;133(9):1683-92. Eub 2006 Mar 22.
(HSR&T PI: H.J. Bellen)
Murphy JC, Cano T, Fox GE, Willson RC.
Compaction agent protection of nucleic acids during mechanical lysis.
Biotechnol Prog. 2006 Mar-Apr;22(2):519-22.
(HSR&T PI: G.E. Fox)
Gerecht-Nir S, Radisic M, Park H, Cannizzaro C, Boublik J, Langer R, Vunjak-Novakovic G.
Biophysical regulation during cardiac development and application to tissue engineering.
Int J Dev Biol. 2006;50(2-3):233-43.
(HSR&T PI: L.E. Freed)
This paper can be obtained online without charge.
Other papers of interest:
Ogoh S, Brothers RM, Barnes Q, Eubank WL, Hawkins MN, Purkayastha S, O-Yurvati A, Raven PB.
Effects of changes in central blood volume on carotid-vasomotor baroreflex sensitivity at rest and during exercise.
J Appl Physiol. 2006 Mar 30; [Epub ahead of print]
Hornberger TA, Chu WK, Mak YW, Hsiung JW, Huang SA, Chien S.
The role of phospholipase D and phosphatidic acid in the mechanical activation of mTOR signaling in skeletal muscle.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Mar 21;103(12):4741-6. Epub 2006 Mar 14.
Tian JR, Mokuno E, Demer JL.
Vestibulo-ocular reflex to transient surge translation: complex geometric response ablated by normal aging.
J Neurophysiol. 2006 Apr;95(4):2042-54.
Lundberg YW, Zhao X, Yamoah EN.
Assembly of the otoconia complex to the macular sensory epithelium of the vestibule.
Brain Res. 2006 Apr 3; [Epub ahead of print]
Blasiole B, Canfield VA, Vollrath MA, Huss D, Mohideen MA, Dickman JD, Cheng KC, Fekete DM, Levenson R.
Separate Na,K-ATPase genes are required for otolith formation and semicircular canal development in zebrafish.
Dev Biol. 2006 Mar 24; [Epub ahead of print]
Skoyles JR.
Human balance, the evolution of bipedalism and dysequilibrium syndrome.
Med Hypotheses. 2006;66(6):1060-8. Epub 2006 Mar 13.
Liu G, Gong P, Zhao H, Wang Z, Gong S, Cai L.
Effect of low-level radiation on the death of male germ cells.
Radiat Res. 2006 Apr;165(4):379-89.
Lyng FM, Maguire P, McClean B, Seymour C, Mothersill C.
The involvement of calcium and MAP kinase signaling pathways in the production of radiation-induced bystander effects.
Radiat Res. 2006 Apr;165(4):400-9.
Lim S, Yoon H, Ryu S, Jung J, Lee M, Kim D.
A comparative evaluation of radiation-induced DNA damage using real-time PCR: Influence of base composition.
Radiat Res. 2006 Apr;165(4):430-7.
Panajotovic R, Martin F, Cloutier P, Hunting D, Sanche L.
Effective cross sections for production of single-strand breaks in plasmid DNA by 0.1 to 4.7 eV electrons.
Radiat Res. 2006 Apr;165(4):452-9.
Muroya Y, Plante I, Azzam EI, Meesungnoen J, Katsumura Y, Jay-Gerin JP.
High-LET ion radiolysis of water: Visualization of the formation and evolution of ion tracks and relevance to the radiation-induced bystander effect.
Radiat Res. 2006 Apr;165(4):485-91.
Damron TA, Horton JA, Naqvi A, Loomis RM, Margulies BS, Strauss JA, Farnum CE, Spadaro JA.
Combination radioprotectors maintain proliferation better than single agents by decreasing early parathyroid hormone-related protein changes after growth plate irradiation.
Radiat Res. 2006 Mar;165(3):350-8.
Smolianina SO, Tsetlin VV, Korsak IV, Berkovich IuA.
[Effect of the spaceflight radiation factor on the growth of Brassica pekinensis and micromycetes Fusarium oxysporum]
Radiats Biol Radioecol. 2006 Jan-Feb;46(1):37-44. Russian.
Ground research.
Barbee KA.
Mechanical cell injury.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006 Mar;1066:67-84.
Vogel S.
Living in a physical world VI. Gravity and life in the air.
J Biosci. 2006 Mar;31(1):13-25.
This paper can be obtained online without charge.
Lane JE, Youngquist RC, Haskell WD, Cox RB.
A hail size distribution impact transducer.
J Acoust Soc Am. 2006 Mar;119(3):EL47-53.
Describes effort to develop auditory analysis technology to be able to distinguish hailstones from raindrops around the Space Shuttle launch pads. This paper can be obtained online without charge at the publisher’s site.