NASA Spaceline 12 September 2008 Current Space Life Science Awareness
The abstract in PubMed or at the publisher’s site is linked when available and will open in a new window.
Kaur I, Simons ER, Kapadia AS, Ott CM, Pierson DL.
Effect of spaceflight on the ability of monocytes to respond to gram negative endotoxin.
Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2008 Sep 3. [Epub ahead of print]
(PI: D.L. Pierson)
Shuttle results (4 Shuttle missions).
Arbeille P, Kerbeci P, Mattar L, Shoemaker JK, Hughson RL.
Insufficient flow reduction during LBNP in both splanchnic and lower limb areas is associated with orthostatic intolerance after bedrest.
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2008 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print]
WISE-2005 study.
Lam H, Qin YX.
The effects of frequency-dependent dynamic muscle stimulation on inhibition of trabecular bone loss in a disuse model.
Bone. 2008 Aug 13. [Epub ahead of print]
(PI: Y.X. Qin) -
Hienz RD, Brady JV, Gooden VL, Vazquez ME, Weed MR.
Neurobehavioral effects of head-only gamma-radiation exposure in rats.
Radiat Res. 2008 Sep;170(3):292-8.
(PIs: R.D. Hienz, J.V. Brady, M.E. Vazquez) -
Whalen MK, Gurai SK, Zahed-Kargaran H, Pluth JM.
Specific ATM-mediated phosphorylation dependent on radiation quality.
Radiat Res. 2008 Sep;170(3):353-64.
(PI: J.M. Pluth) -
Willey JS, Lloyd SA, Robbins ME, Bourland JD, Smith-Sielicki H, Bowman LC, Norrdin RW, Bateman TA.
Early increase in osteoclast number in mice after whole-body irradiation with 2 Gy X rays.
Radiat Res. 2008 Sep;170(3):388-92.
(PI: T.A. Bateman) -
Straume T, Amundson SA, Blakely WF, Burns FJ, Chen A, Dainiak N, Franklin S, Leary JA, Loftus DJ, Morgan WF, Pellmar TC, Stolc V, Turteltaub KW, Vaughan AT, Vijayakumar S, Wyrobek AJ.
NASA Radiation Biomarker Workshop September 27-28, 2007.
Radiat Res. 2008 Sep;170(3):393-405. -
Jadhav V, Sugawara T, Zhang J, Jacobson P, Obenaus A.
Magnetic resonance imaging detects and predicts early brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage in a canine experimental model.
J Neurotrauma. 2008 Sep;25(9):1099-106.
(PI: A. Obenaus)
This article may currently be obtained online without charge.
Cheng M, Moretti M, Engelmayr GC, Freed LE.
Insulin-like growth factor-I and slow, bi-directional perfusion enhance the formation of tissue-engineered cardiac grafts.
Tissue Eng Part A. 2008 Aug 31. [Epub ahead of print]
(PI: L.E. Freed) -
Jami SK, Clark GB, Turlapati SA, Handley C, Roux SJ, Kirti PB.
Ectopic expression of an annexin from Brassica juncea confers tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress treatments in transgenic tobacco.
Plant Physiol Biochem. 2008 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print]
(PI: S.J. Roux)
Other papers of interest:
Saitoh T, Ogawa Y, Aoki K, Shibata S, Otsubo A, Kato J, Iwasaki KI.
Bell-shaped relationship between central blood volume and spontaneous baroreflex function.
Auton Neurosci. 2008 Sep 2. [Epub ahead of print] -
Clark BC, Manini TM.
Sarcopenia =/= dynapenia.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008 Aug;63(8):829-34.
B.C. Clark was in the NASA Graduate Student Researcher Program.
Chen CN, Ferrington DA, Thompson LV.
Carbonic anhydrase III and four-and-a-half LIM protein 1 are preferentially oxidized with muscle unloading.
J Appl Physiol. 2008 Aug 28. [Epub ahead of print] -
Flück M, Mund SI, Schittny JC, Klossner S, Durieux AC, Giraud MN.
Mechano-regulated tenascin-C orchestrates muscle repair.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Sep 9;105(36):13662-7. Epub 2008 Aug 29. -
Ohshima H, Mukai C.
[Mechanical Stress and Bone. Bone metabolism of human space flight and bed rest study]
Clin Calcium. 2008 Sep;18(9):1245-53. Japanese.
This issue contains 11 papers on the topic of mechanical stress and bone. Seven of the papers are listed here.
Ando J, Yamamoto K.
[Mechanical Stress and Bone. Mechanical stresses and organ functions]
Clin Calcium. 2008 Sep;18(9):1264-71. Japanese. -
Kamioka H, Yamashiro T.
[Mechanical Stress and Bone. Osteocyte and mechanical stress]
Clin Calcium. 2008 Sep;18(9):1287-93. Japanese. -
Furuya K, Sokabe M.
[Mechanical Stress and Bone. Cell responses to mechanical stresses: Mechano-sensors and messengers]
Clin Calcium. 2008 Sep;18(9):1295-303. Japanese. -
Mizuno A.
[Mechanical Stress and Bone. TRP channels and mechanical stress]
Clin Calcium. 2008 Sep;18(9):1304-11. Japanese. -
Endo I, Matsumoto T.
[Mechanical Stress and Bone. Bisphosphonate and mechanical stress on bone]
Clin Calcium. 2008 Sep;18(9):1321-6. Japanese. -
Fukumoto S.
[Mechanical Stress and Bone. PTH and mechanical stress]
Clin Calcium. 2008 Sep;18(9):1327-31. Japanese. -
Otsuka K, Koana T, Tomita M, Ogata H, Tauchi H.
Rapid myeloid recovery as a possible mechanism of whole-body radioadaptive response.
Radiat Res. 2008 Sep;170(3):307-15. -
Du G, Fischer BE, Voss KO, Becker G, Taucher-Scholz G, Kraft G, Thiel G.
The absence of an early calcium response to heavy-ion radiation in mammalian cells.
Radiat Res. 2008 Sep;170(3):316-26. -
Ojima M, Ban N, Kai M.
DNA double-strand breaks induced by very low X-ray doses are largely due to bystander effects.
Radiat Res. 2008 Sep;170(3):365-71. -
Kinner A, Wu W, Staudt C, Iliakis G.
{gamma}-H2AX in recognition and signaling of DNA double-strand breaks in the context of chromatin.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2008 Sep 4. [Epub ahead of print]
This article may be obtained online without charge.
Dash AK, Panda N, Khandelwal G, Lal V, Mann SS.
Migraine and audiovestibular dysfunction: Is there a correlation?
Am J Otolaryngol. 2008 Sep-Oct;29(5):295-9. Epub 2008 Mar 19. -
Tanguy S, Quarck G, Etard O, Gauthier A, Denise P.
Vestibulo-ocular reflex and motion sickness in figure skaters.
Eur J Appl Physiol. 2008 Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print] -
Göz D, Studholme K, Lappi DA, Rollag MD, Provencio I, Morin LP.
Targeted destruction of photosensitive retinal ganglion cells with a saporin conjugate alters the effects of light on mouse circadian rhythms.
PLoS ONE. 2008 Sep 5;3(9):e3153.
This article may be obtained online without charge.
Chang TT, Hughes-Fulford M.
Monolayer and spheroid culture of human liver hepatocellular carcinoma cell line cells demonstrate distinct global gene expression patterns and functional phenotypes.
Tissue Eng Part A. 2008 Aug 26. [Epub ahead of print] -
Pales E, Mikulecky M.
500-year periodicity of political instability in the history of ancient Egypt and China. Androgens at work?
Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2008 Aug 4;29(4). [Epub ahead of print]