Status Report

NASA Spaceline 12 May 2006 Current Space Life Science Awareness

By SpaceRef Editor
May 12, 2006
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PubMed’s abstract is linked when available and each will open in a new window.

  1. Turner RT, Lotinun S, Hefferan T, Morey-Holton ER.
    Disuse in adult male rats attenuates the bone anabolic response to a therapeutic dose of parathyroid hormone.
    J Appl Physiol. 2006 May 4; [Epub ahead of print]
    (HSR&T PI: R.T. Turner)
  2. Behnke B, Prisby RD, Lesniewski LA, Donato AJ, Olin H, Delp MD.
    Influence of aging and physical activity on vascular morphology in rat skeletal muscle.
    J Physiol. 2006 Apr 27; [Epub ahead of print]
    (HSR&T PI: M.D. Delp)
    This paper can currently be obtained online without charge.

  3. Ingber DE.
    Cellular mechanotransduction: putting all the pieces together again.
    FASEB J. 2006 May;20(7):811-27.
    (HSR&T PI: D.E. Ingber)
    The author?s summary of the status of mechanotransduction, from the paper (figures and references removed): ?In summary, mechanochemical conversion occurs simultaneously at several sites inside cells, tissues, and organs because stresses are transferred over load-bearing networks including bones, muscles, fascia, ECMs, integrins, cell-cell junctions, cytoskeletal filaments and nuclear scaffolds that span many size scales. In fact, individual cells within most somatic tissues are too small to be distorted directly by subtle forces that are known to have potent effects on tissue form and function, such as gravity; that is, unless the cells contain dense organelles (e.g., otoliths, statoliths) that function like microscopic plumb-bobs. Cells therefore likely sense gravity and other generalized forces exerted on tissues and organs through their interconnections with ECM scaffoldings that experience stress and undergo deformation on a larger size scale; these structural changes trickle down to produce local cell and cytoskeletal distortion or changes of cellular prestress.

  4. Costes SV, Boissiere A, Ravani S, Romano R, Parvin B, Barcellos-Hoff MH.
    Imaging features that discriminate between foci induced by high- and low-LET radiation in human fibroblasts.
    Radiat Res. 2006 May;165(5):505-15.
    (HSR&T PI: M.H. Barcellos-Hoff)
  5. Zhang R, Burns FJ, Chen H, Chen S, Wu F.
    Alterations in gene expression in rat skin exposed to (56)Fe ions and dietary vitamin A acetate.
    Radiat Res. 2006 May;165(5):570-81.
    (HSR&T PI: F.J. Burns)
  6. Willers H, Held KD.
    Introduction to clinical radiation biology.
    Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2006 Feb;20(1):1-24.
    (HSR&T PI: K.D. Held)
  7. Kondrachuk AV, Boyle RD.
    Feedback hypothesis and the effects of altered gravity on formation and function of gravireceptors of mollusks and fish.
    Arch Ital Biol. 2006 May;144(2):75-87.
    (HSR&T PI: R.D. Boyle)

Other papers of interest:

  1. Murphy DJ, Renninger JP, Ju H.
    A model of orthostatic hypotension in the conscious monkey using lower body negative pressure.
    J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 2006 Mar 20; [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Francia N, Simeoni M, Petruzzi S, Santucci D, Aloe L, Alleva E.
    Repeated acute exposures to hypergravity during early development subtly affect CD-1 mouse neurobehavioural profile.
    Brain Res Bull. 2006 May 15;69(5):560-72. Epub 2006 Mar 23.
  3. Asgharian B, Price O, Oberdorster G.
    A modeling study of the effect of gravity on airflow distribution and particle deposition in the lung.
    Inhal Toxicol. 2006 Jun;18(7):473-81.
  4. Grigor’ev AI, Larina IM, Noskov VB.
    [The influence of space flights on water-electrolytes turnover and its regulation.]
    Ross Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova. 2006 Jan;92(1):5-17. Review. Russian.
  5. Suzuki K, Okada H, Yamauchi M, Oka Y, Kodama S, Watanabe M.
    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of phosphorylated ATM foci induced by low-dose ionizing radiation.
    Radiat Res. 2006 May;165(5):499-504.
  6. Wykes SM, Piasentin E, Joiner MC, Wilson GD, Marples B.
    Low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity is not caused by a failure to recognize DNA double-strand breaks.
    Radiat Res. 2006 May;165(5):516-24.
  7. Gudkov SV, Shtarkman IN, Smirnova VS, Chernikov AV, Bruskov VI.
    Guanosine and inosine display antioxidant activity, protect DNA in vitro from oxidative damage induced by reactive oxygen species, and serve as radioprotectors in mice.
    Radiat Res. 2006 May;165(5):538-45.
  8. Lee WJ, Majumder ZR, Jeoung DI, Lee HJ, Kim SH, Bae S, Lee YS.
    Organ-specific gene expressions in C57BL/6 mice after exposure to low-dose radiation.
    Radiat Res. 2006 May;165(5):562-9.
  9. Otsuka S, Coderre JA, Micca PL, Morris GM, Hopewell JW, Rola R, Fike JR.
    Depletion of neural precursor cells after local brain irradiation is due to radiation dose to the parenchyma, not the vasculature.
    Radiat Res. 2006 May;165(5):582-91.
  10. Boser S, Horn ER.
    Hypergravity susceptibility of ventral root activity during fictive swimming in tadpoles (Xenopus laevis).
    Arch Ital Biol. 2006 May;144(2):99-113.
  11. Coinu R, Chiaviello A, Galleri G, Franconi F, Crescenzi E, Palumbo G.
    Exposure to modeled microgravity induces metabolic idleness in malignant human MCF-7 and normal murine VSMC cells.
    FEBS Lett. 2006 May 1;580(10):2465-70. Epub 2006 Apr 7.
    Used random positioning machine to model microgravity.

  12. Allen T, Ingles PJ, Praekelt U, Smith H, Whitelam GC.
    Phytochrome-mediated agravitropism in Arabidopsis hypocotyls requires GIL1 and confers a fitness advantage.
    Plant J. 2006 May;46(4):641-8.

SpaceRef staff editor.