NASA Space Station Science Report 10 July 2006

ISS Research Summary for 07/10/2006
The main payload activity this week was the transfer of 4,400 pounds of new research hardware from Space Shuttle Discovery to the ISS. This represents the largest amount of experiment hardware yet launched to the ISS on a single mission. Included in the transfer were the new facilities MELFI (Minus Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS) and the EMCS (European Modular Cultivation System) hardware that will be installed in the EXPRESS Rack 3A (ER-3A). In addition nearly 3,000 pounds of new experiment hardware and resupply were transferred. European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Thomas Reiter successfully completed the installation of a new window on the MSG (Microgravity Sciences Glovebox).
NASA Science Officer Jeff Williams also completed his three weekly Journals (behavioral/isolation study) experiment entries this week. Here on Earth, the new Space Station Science pages are now active on the NASA Portal.
International Partner Science
Russian cosmonaut Vinogradov continued to make checks and adjustments to the radiation sensor reader/display of the Matroshka experiment. This phantom human torso is located in the Russian DC1 compartment and has 361 radiation detectors imbedded in it to monitor the long-term radiation exposure of various simulated organs that make up the human torso figure. Reiter also recorded monthly sensor readings of the Russian Pille-MKS radiation dosimetry experiment that consists of ten different sensors located throughout the Russian segment.
Reiter completed his first questionnaire for the ESA Cult experiment that will study cultural aspects and leadership styles of the ISS crews. Reiter also performed his first session on the Eye Tracking Device (ETD) experiment that studies the adaptation of the human vestibular (balance) system and eye movement in microgravity.
The Look Ahead for 07/17/2006
The main experiment activity this week will be the activation and checkout of the recently delivered MELFI facility which is scheduled to begin July 19th. In addition the crew will take photos of the Space Experiment Module (SEM) in support of the 11 student experiments being flown in the SEM satchel. Williams will continue his Journals entries three times per week and Reiter will begin his first of three sessions on the Renal Stone experiment performing a 48 hour diet log and 24 hour collection of urine samples.