Status Report

NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 10 May 2005

By SpaceRef Editor
May 10, 2005
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NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 10 May 2005

SpaceRef note: This NASA Headquarters internal status report, as presented here, contains additional, original material produced by (copyright © 2005) to enhance access to related status reports and NASA activities.

All ISS systems continue to function nominally, except those noted previously or below.

After wakeup (2:00am EDT), station inspection and morning hygiene, CDR Sergei Krikalev and FE/SO John Phillips performed their second session of the periodic Russian biomedical assessment PZEh-MO-7 (Calf Volume Measurement). [Calf measurements (left leg only) are taken with the IZOG device, a custom-sewn fabric cuff that fits over the calf, using the knee and lower foot as fixed reference points, to provide a rough index of deconditioning in zero-G and effectiveness of countermeasures. No Body Mass Measurements (PZEh-MO-8 ) today — yet).]

John Phillips worked a number of computer maintenance tasks, starting out with an inspection of the top PCMCIA (portable computer memory card international adapter) microdrive on the HRF (Human Research Facility) laptop, which was not working properly. [If no physical reason for its failure could be found, John was to use a flashcard with known pedigree to test the slot.]

Later, Phillips attempted troubleshooting three A31p SSC (Station Support Computer) laptops, viz., #1007 & #1005, which had exhibited bad displays, then failed to power on, plus #1002, that would not boot up at all. [The FE checked out the SSCs in the Lab at an alternate power supply, in case the one in the Node was at fault, but without success. Further troubleshooting plans are being developed.]

John’s third computer activity concerned “ghosting” of a PCS HDD (Portable Computer System hard disk drive) on a spare IBM 760XD machine to mirror the latest software. [An attempt by Phillips at PCS HDD ghosting last Saturday had run into a problem, probably due to an entry error.]

Starting his first round of the monthly preventive maintenance of RS (Russian segment) ventilation systems, Krikalev performed a one-hour inspection and cleaning of Group A ventilator fans and grilles in the Service Module (SM).

FE Phillips continued the ventilation system maintenance in the DC1 docking compartment by replacing the filter inserts of the PF1 & PF2 dust collectors in its air duct system and cleaning the protective mesh screens of the V1 & V2 ventilator fans.

In preparation for tomorrow’s planned SAW photogrammetry during reboost (see below), John reconfigured part of the station’s video system, first replacing the Audio/Video Interface Unit (AVIU), connected to the Lab’s Interface Control Panel (ICP), with the Space Station Lab Interface Box (SLIB), then setting up a bypass connection from the ETVCG (external TV camera group) via the AVIU to the Sony V10 video tape recorder (VTR), enabling it to record external camera video.

Both crewmembers again had time reserved to prepack equipment for return on LF-1/STS-114 in July.

Sergei conducted the inspection/audit of the current “plug-in” setup in the RS (bumped on 5/6 by Elektron troubleshooting), checking which electric outlets on SM, DC1 and FGB control panels are powering what equipment (either continuously or as-needed) against an uplinked plug-in plan.

The CDR also performed the daily routine maintenance of the SM’s SOZh environment control & life support system, including its ASU toilet system, and prepared the regular IMS “delta” file for its automated export/import to the IMS databases.

The crew conducted their regular daily 2.5-hr. physical exercise program on the TVIS treadmill, CEVIS cycle ergometer, RED resistive exerciser and VELO bike with bungee cord force loader (NS-1). [The crew was thanked by MCC-H for their troubleshooting of the TVIS treadmill over the past few days. Ground engineers need more time to analyze the downlinked exercise data for John, so today he was scheduled on the CEVIS (cycle ergometer with vibration isolation) instead of the treadmill. Sergei was OK’d for a nominal TVIS session (Day 4 of his strictly observed regimen). A TVIS session for the FE will be scheduled for tomorrow, and the data from that session will be reviewed to determine if further troubleshooting is warranted.]

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The FE then transferred the exercise data files to the MEC (medical equipment computer) for downlink, as well as the daily wristband HRM (heart rate monitor) data of his workout on RED and CEVIS, followed by their erasure on the HRM storage medium.

Update on Elektron: No troubleshooting work was performed today on the defunct machine. Oxygen partial pressure (ppO2) is 153.5 mmHg and total pressure is 749 mmHg. An O2 repress from 17P storage is planned for tomorrow (5/11).

Update on Reboost: TsUP/Moscow is preparing for the latest ISS reboost maneuver, to set up station orbit phasing for the coming linkups with Progress 18, 19 and LF-1. Tonight, string 1 of Progress 17’s KDU propulsion manifold will be pressurized. The 5-min. burn, scheduled for 10:27am EDT tomorrow, is expected to yield a delta-V of ~0.8 m/sec. For the duration of the maneuver, photogrammetric video photography will be conducted on the P6 4B (port) solar array wing (SAW), to determine fundamental bending frequencies of the SAW. At least six minutes of photo-g data are required, to be taken by an external video camera of the Lab ETVCG.

Today’s CEO (crew earth observations) photo targets, in the current LVLH attitude no longer limited by flight rule constraints on the use of the Lab nadir/science window, were Arabian Sea Dust Plumes (DYNAMIC EVENT: Dry monsoon winds continue to lift large plumes of dust from the Indus River Valley of India and Pakistan and push them southwestward over the Arabian Sea. This pass was to the SE of this region, so the crew was to shoot left of track for edges of these plumes over the water with possible glint features as well. As ISS continued inland over western India, the crew looked for point sources of dust in the Indus River valley itself), Angolan Biomass Burning (DYNMIC EVENT: Ideal fire conditions have developed from southwestern Africa to deep into the Congo River Basin. As ISS crossed the Namibian coast from the SW, the crew was to look just left of track toward southern Angola for fires and smoke point sources, as well as evidence of fire scars in a long mapping pass until reaching heavy clouds in the interior), and Amman, Jordan (light is still a little low, but otherwise the crew had an excellent near-nadir pass over the Jordanian capital city. As they approached the target area from the SW, they looked for the city just right of track about 30 miles NE of the northern end of the Dead Sea).

CEO photography can be viewed and studied at the websites:

See also the website “Space Station Challenge” at:

To view the latest photos taken by the expedition 11 crew visit:

Expedition 11 Flight Crew Plans can be found at

Previous NASA ISS On-orbit Status Reports can be found here. Previous NASA Space Station Status Reports can be found here. Previous NASA Space Shuttle Processing Status Reports can be found here. A collection of all of these reports and other materials relating to Return to Flight for the Space Shuttle fleet can be found here.

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ISS Orbit (as of this morning, 6:29am EDT [= epoch]):

  • Mean altitude — 353.4 km
  • Apogee height — 358.9 km
  • Perigee height — 347.9 km
  • Period — 91.61 min.
  • Inclination (to Equator) — 51.64 deg
  • Eccentricity — 0.0008149
  • Solar Beta Angle — 48.3 deg (magnitude decreasing)
  • Orbits per 24-hr. day — 15.72
  • Mean altitude loss in last 24 hours — 135 m
  • Revolutions since FGB/Zarya launch (Nov. 98) — 36974

Some Increment 11 Main Events (not final):

  • ISS Reboost — 5/11; 10:27am EDT; 0.8 m/s (to adjust phasing for 18P, 19P, and LF-1);
  • Progress M-52 (17P) undock — 6/16;
  • Progress M-53 (18P) launch — 6/17 (dock 6/19);
  • LF-1/STS-114 launch — NET 7/13 (window opens);
  • Soyuz TMA-6 (10S) relocate (from DC-1 to FGB) — 8/16;
  • Progress M-53 (18P) undock — 8/23;
  • Progress M-54 (19P) launch — 8/24 (dock 8/26);
  • ULF1.1/STS-121 launch — NET 9/9 (window opens);
  • Soyuz TMA-7 (11S) launch — 9/27 (dock 9/29);
  • Soyuz TMA-6 (10S) return — 10/7.

ISS Altitude History

Apogee height Mean AltitudePerigee height

ISS Altitude History

For more on ISS orbit and worldwide ISS naked-eye visibility dates/times, see In addition, information on International Space Station sighting opportunities can be found at on NASA’s Human Spaceflight website. The current location of the International Space Station can be found at at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. Additional satellite tracking resources can be found at

SpaceRef staff editor.