Status Report

NASA Space Shuttle Processing Status Report 27 June 2005

By SpaceRef Editor
June 27, 2005
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Discovery (OV-103)

Mission: STS-114 – 17th ISS Flight (LF1)
Payload: Multi-Purpose Logistics Module
Location: Launch Pad 39B
Launch Date: Launch Planning Window July 13 – 31, 2005
Launch Pad: 39B
Crew: Collins, Kelly, Noguchi, Robinson, Thomas, Lawrence and Camarda Inclination/Orbit Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

This week, Discovery is at Launch Pad 39B, and technicians are completing the final steps in preparation for a launch to the International Space Station in the July 13-31 window. Loading of hypergolic propellants began on Wednesday and is scheduled to be completed next week. This process includes loading the propellants, monomethyl hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide, into the Orbiter Maneuvering System and the Forward Reaction Control System.

The cargo, including NASA’s Italian-built Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Raffaello, was installed in the payload bay on June 17, followed by payload connections and payload/orbiter interface testing. Next week, the payload bay sharp-edge inspection will be performed and the payload bay doors will be closed for flight.

Yesterday, the Space Shuttle Program completed the Design Certification Review (DCR). The review was held to ensure that major program baseline changes since the DCR have been properly integrated and certified for flight.

Today, program leaders met for the Debris Verification Review (DVR) to summarize the extensive debris assessment effort that has been completed and to present the flight rationale for the debris. The DVR reached the conclusion that the potential for debris had been reduced to a more reasonable level, and this was the recommendation the Shuttle Program Manager accepted.

Next week, the Flight Readiness Review (FRR) will be held on June 29 and 30, and a launch date could be selected at the end of the review.

Atlantis (OV-104)

Mission: STS-121 – 18th ISS Flight (ULF1)
Payload: Multi-Purpose Logistics Module
Location: Orbiter Processing Facility Bay 1
Launch Date: Lighted Launch Planning Window September 9 – 24, 2005
Launch Pad: 39B
Crew: Lindsey, Kelly, Sellers, Fossum, Nowak, Wilson and Reiter Inclination/Orbit Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

Technicians continue processing Atlantis in Orbiter Processing Facility bay 1 for its mission to the International Space Station.

The landing gear functional test was successfully completed. The landing gear was cycled several times prior to the test to checkout compression of the new thermal barrier seals that were added for Return to Flight.

In the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), the External Tank (ET-120) and Solid Rocket Boosters originally scheduled to fly with Space Shuttle Discovery are located in high bay 1. This stack will now fly with Atlantis. Early next week, a Crawler Transporter will move the stack to high bay 3, so work and modifications can be performed in high bay 1 of the VAB.

Endeavour (OV-105)

Endeavour is in its Orbiter Major Modification period which began in December 2003.

SpaceRef staff editor.