Status Report

NASA Space Shuttle Processing Status Report 15 October 2004

By SpaceRef Editor
October 15, 2004
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NASA Space Shuttle Processing Status Report 15 October 2004
NASA Space Shuttle Processing Status Report 15 October 2004

The Space Shuttle fleet is housed and processed at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Fla. The order the Space Shuttles are listed in this report does not necessarily reflect the chronological order of future missions.

Discovery (OV-103)

Processing continues in the Orbiter Processing Facility for Discovery’s Return to Flight (RTF) mission to the International Space Station. Installation of the Remote Manipulator System, or Space Shuttle robotic arm, is scheduled for today. Testing continues on the Manipulator Positioning Mechanisms in preparation for that installation.

During powered-up system testing, technicians performed numerous checks including Orbiter Maneuvering System and Reaction Control System heater checks, nitrogen and oxygen leak checks, and Ku-band system work. Closeouts continue on the Rudder Speed Brake with seal installations.

Atlantis (OV-104)

The power-down period for Atlantis continues with critical path wiring, structural inspections, and electrical modifications throughout the vehicle. RTF modifications, including the wiring for the Orbiter Boom Sensor System and installation of the wing leading edge sensors, are progressing on schedule.

Right-hand radiators have been installed, as well as left-hand radiators No. 1, 2 and 3. The final radiator is scheduled to be put in place today. Thermal Protection System blanket installation and inspections on the left-hand payload bay door continue in preparation for closing out the area for flight.

Endeavour (OV-105)

Space Shuttle Endeavour is in its Orbiter Major Modification period, which began in December. Electrical modifications continue in the crew module. Three-String Global Positioning System wire routing in the avionics bay and flight deck continues.

OPTIGO measurements continue on the main landing gear. Resembling a large camera, OPTIGO is an optical scanner that generates precise 3-D coordinates that are imported into a Computer Aided Design program for engineering analysis. It is utilized in many processing activities, but is most widely used for assisting in the manufacturing of Thermal Protection System tile.

SpaceRef staff editor.