NASA Space Shuttle Processing Status Report 15 Mar 2004
Discovery (OV-103)
Discovery is being processed for the Return to Flight mission. Four
Rudder Speed Brake actuators were X-rayed last Monday and Tuesday to
determine whether the gears were installed correctly. One of the four
actuators, actuator No. 2, showed a gear was reversed. It will be sent
back to the vendor for refurbishment and returned to KSC for re-
installation on the vehicle.
Vehicle power-up testing continues with the Main Propulsion System leak
tests and fuel cell system checkout. The Body Flap actuator fit check
was successfully completed. Build-up of Reinforced Carbon-Carbon (RCC)
panels and associated fittings is ongoing. Six RCC spar fittings have
been installed on the left-hand leading edge.
Atlantis (OV-104)
Preparations continue in the processing facility for a future mission
to the International Space Station. Seven T-seals, the C-shaped seals
that fit between each RCC panel, have been installed on the left-hand
wing leading edge.
Build-up of the right-hand RCC panels and associated fittings
continues. The nose cap was delivered to the Thermal Protection System
Facility (TPSF) last Tuesday. Technicians in the TPSF are beginning to
build the thermal blankets that will be installed in the nose cap.
Endeavour (OV-105)
Endeavour is in its Orbiter Major Modification period, which began in
December 2003. Thermal Protection System blankets have been removed
from the Rudder Speed Brake panels in preparation for the removal and
inspection of the actuators. RCC panels continue to be removed from the
vehicle and returned to the vendor for inspection.