Status Report

NASA Space Shuttle Processing Status Report 1 August 2007

By SpaceRef Editor
August 2, 2007
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NASA Space Shuttle Processing Status Report 1 August 2007

Note: NASA’s Kennedy Space Center issues Space Shuttle Processing Status Reports periodically and is the source for information regarding processing activities associated with the vehicles and payloads. If you are a member of the media and would like further information, visit:

Mission: STS-118 – 22nd International Space Station Flight – S5 Truss Segment
Vehicle: Endeavour (OV-105)
Location: Launch Pad 39A
Launch Date: Aug. 7, 2007
Crew: Kelly, Hobaugh, Williams, Morgan, Mastracchio, Caldwell and Drew
Inclination/Orbit Altitude: 51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

At Launch Pad 39A, preparations continue for the launch of Endeavour on STS-118. The payload bay doors have been closed for flight. Functional testing of the extravehicular mobility units (spacesuits) is complete. The shuttle ordnance connections have been made. Orbiter aft closeout work continues. Engineers are working to resolve an abnormal leak rate in the orbiter crew cabin. The problem has been traced to one of two positive pressure-relief valves which ensure that the crew cabin does not become over-pressurized. A plan has been approved to remove and replace the suspect valve using a valve from Atlantis. This work will begin tonight and be completed on Thursday.

After further analysis of data, engineers have determined that it will not be necessary to remove and replace thermostats on APU No. 1. The thermostat data characteristic, while not customary, is not in violation of specifications and is understood by engineers. Therefore, this will not require further action prior to the STS-118 mission.

Technicians have installed the thermal curtains on the aft skirts of the solid rocket boosters.

SpaceRef staff editor.