NASA Space Shuttle Processing Status 2 April 2004
Discovery (OV-103)
On Wednesday of this week, Discovery was powered up following a two-week power down to perform electrical wiring inspections. The left-hand Orbiter Maneuvering System pod will be moved from the Hypergolic Maintenance Facility to the Orbiter Processing Facility as early as today and is scheduled for installation on the vehicle next week.
Installation of left-hand Reinforced Carbon-Carbon (RCC) panels and build-up of the left-hand panels and associated fittings is ongoing. Thermal Protection System blankets continue to be assembled and will be installed inside of Discovery’s nose cap. The nose cap is scheduled for installation next week.
Atlantis (OV-104)
Atlantis is powered up in support of mission processing in preparation of its future flight to the International Space Station. Technicians continue steps toward removal of the rudder speed brake actuators.
RCC work continues with left-hand T-seal installation and right-hand RCC build up. The left in-board elevon actuator is installed. Remote Manipulator System high-potential voltage tests were successfully completed.
Endeavour (OV-105)
Space Shuttle Endeavour is in its Orbiter Major Modification period, which began in December 2003.
Electrical modifications continue to prepare the crew module for future installation of the
Multi-functional Electronic Display System (MEDS), or “glass cockpit.”
All RCC panel thermography and shipping preparations are in work. Preparations to remove the rudder speed brake actuators continue. Structural and wire inspections continue in the mid-body and aft.