Status Report

NASA Sources Sought Notice: JPL Dynamic Analysis and Simulations Support

By SpaceRef Editor
June 3, 2005
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General Information

Document Type: Sources Sought Notice
Solicitation Number: AD-05-06
Posted Date: Jun 03, 2005
Original Response Date: Jun 13, 2005
Current Response Date: Jun 13, 2005
Original Archive Date: Jun 03, 2006
Current Archive Date: Jun 03, 2006
Classification Code: A — Research & Development
Naics Code: 334511 — Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing

Contracting Office Address

NASA Management Office, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109


The California Institute of Technology?s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Caltech/ JPL), operating under a prime contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), seek responses to this Request for Information (RFI) for industry feedback on capabilities in dynamic analysis and simulations and interest of potential proposers in competing to provide supplemental analysis on an as needed basis. Contracts with JPL are funded by NASA and are subcontracted under a NASA prime contract with Caltech. BACKGROUND: The Laboratory’s Structures and Dynamics Groups have supported numerous projects requiring dynamic simulations of events such as boom deployments, separations, and other multi-body simulations.    

These types of simulations require a high level of expertise and experience to accurate define the problem and develop the model necessary to capture the relevant behavior. Over the past few years, JPL has had difficulty supporting all projects in this area because of the number of analysts and competing work. This trend is expected to continue over the next few years with the current and future projects such as Mars Science Laboratory, Phoenix, and Hydros.      

The Instrument Mechanical and Spacecraft Mechanical Sections are interested in establishing a Task Work Order Subcontract with an analytical group that can provide additional project support in dynamic analysis and simulations when needed. The necessary features of this group would be: (a) Minimum ten (10) years experience in simulations of multi-body dynamics and contact dynamics simulations for mechanical systems is preferred; (b) Well established infrastructure for analysis of component to system level mechanical systems; (c) Analytical tools compatible with JPL modeling and analysis tools, primarily ADAMS and NASTRAN; (d) Additional analytical tools capable of performing independent analyses to verify JPL efforts using ADAMS and/or NASTRAN; (e) Sufficient workforce to respond quickly (within two (2) to four (4) weeks) to provide support on tasks of varying duration, complexity, and size; and (f) Located close enough to JPL for cost-effective, frequent interaction. Response should include detailed information on all items listed above. This relationship will only be effective if the potential subcontractor has the necessary expertise and the capability to quickly start and terminate tasks. The support necessary in Fiscal Year 2006 (FY06) could be the equivalent of two (2) to six (6) work years, depending on the status of the upcoming projects. The phasing of the support is not necessarily continuous.

RESPONSES DUE: Please submit your expression of interest and any applicable information by June 13, 2005, to: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Attention: Adolfo Delgado, Subcontracts Manager, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Mail Stop 190-220, Pasadena, CA 91109-8099, Phone: (818) 354-2898; FAX (818) 354-3494; Email:

DISCLAIMER: It is emphasized that the requested information is for preliminary planning purposes only and does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, that JPL will solicit you for such a procurement in the future. Neither JPL nor the Government will be responsible for any costs incurred by you in furnishing this information. Prospective subcontractors are advised that any information provided shall be deemed to be furnished with unlimited rights to JPL, with JPL assuming no liability for the disclosure, use, or reproduction of such data.

Point of Contact

Mary Helen Ruiz, JPL Business Opportunities Office, Phone (818) 354-7532, Fax (818) 393-1746, Email

Email your questions to Mary Helen Ruiz at

SpaceRef staff editor.