Status Report

NASA Solicitation: Global Change Education Research Experiences Teaching Learning

By SpaceRef Editor
June 4, 2009
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Synopsis – May 27, 2009

General Information

Solicitation Number: NNL09ZB1005C
Posted Date: May 27, 2009
FedBizOpps Posted Date: May 27, 2009
Recovery and Reinvestment Act Action: No
FedGrants Posted Date: May 27, 2009
Application Due Date Explanation: Cooperative Agreement Notice NNL09ZB1005C will be released the first week in June 2009. See the CAN for NOI and proposal due dates.
Classification Code: A — Research and Development
NAICS Code: 541712 – Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)

Grant Specific Information
Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement
CFDA Number: 00.000
Cost Sharing or Matching Required: No
Estimated Total Program Funding: $8,000,000.00
Expected Number of Awards: 25
Ceiling Amount: none
Floor Amount: none
Funding Activity: Science and Technology and other Research and Development (ST)
Eligible Applicants: 25 – Others
See below Description and the Cooperative Agreement Notice NNL09ZB1005C for a listing of eligible applicants.
Link to Full Announcement:

Contracting Office Address

NASA/Langley Research Center, Mail Stop 144, Industry Assistance Office, Hampton, VA 23681-0001


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center Science Directorate is releasing a Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) soliciting proposals for “Global Climate Change Education (GCCE): Research Experience, Teaching and Learning”. The objective of the effort is to extend the results of NASA’s Earth Science Program to the education community by sponsoring unique and stimulating opportunities for global climate and Earth system science education. GCCE is designed to improve the quality of the Nation’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education and enhance the students’ and teachers’ literacy about global climate and Earth system change at the elementary, secondary, and undergraduate levels. Each funded proposal is expected to make use of NASA’s unique contributions in climate science to enhance students’ academic experiences and/or to improve educators’ abilities to engage their students. The GCCE project will consider proposals in the following three funding categories: (1) Funding Category R: Global Climate Change Science Research Experiences for Undergraduate or Community College Students and Pre- or In-Service Teachers including those in nontraditional teacher licensure programs; (2) Funding Category D: Using NASA Earth system data and models to Strengthen Teaching and Learning about Global Climate Change in Formal Education; (3) Funding Category P: Improve Teacher Competency for Global Climate Change Education. The anticipated total amount of funding available for new awards under this solicitation is approximately $8 million. Projects may be proposed for durations of up to 3 years. It is anticipated that approximately 25 awards will be issued. Participation is open to the following categories of U.S organizations: higher educational institutions, state, local or federally-recognized tribal government agencies, public school districts, nonprofit institutions (with proof of nonprofit 501(c)(3) status), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI), and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU), as well as other minority-serving educational institutions. Notices of intent (NOIs) are strongly encouraged and are to be submitted electronically through NSPIRES at . The CAN will be available electronically the first week in June 2009 through the NSPIRES website at http: Potential offerors are responsible for downloading the CAN and amendments (if any). This solicitation leading to the award of a Cooperative Agreement is issued pursuant to title 14 CFR Part 1260 for educational and nonprofit institutions. Additional questions regarding the solicitation and programmatic information can be obtained from: Dr Lin Chambers, Global Climate Change Education Program Manager, NASA Langley Research Center,

Point of Contact

Name: Liliana J Richwine
Title: Contract Specialist/Contracting Officer
Phone: 757-864-2478
Fax: 757-864-7709

Name: Timothy P Cannella
Title: Contracting Officer
Phone: 757-864-5028
Fax: 757-864-7709

SpaceRef staff editor.