Status Report

NASA Smdp Planetary Science Data Archiving program will not include tools starting in ROSES-2022

By SpaceRef Editor
November 18, 2021
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In response to recommendations from the Planetary Data Ecosystem Independent Review Board, Planetary Science Division is implementing a change in its process to fund tools. Though they continue to be in scope for C.4 Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) this year in ROSES-2021, “Tools” will not be solicited by C.4 (renamed PDAR) in ROSES-2022. A novel approach to Tools is anticipated in ROSES-2023. Proposals that include Tools may be submitted in response to C.4 PDART in ROSES-2021 until March 29, 2022.


A notice conveying this advance warning that “Tools” will not be solicited as part of C.4 in ROSES-2022 has been added to ROSES-2021 C.4 PDART. No more information about ROSES-2022 C.4 PDAR is available at this time. 


Questions regarding C.4 PDART may be directed to the new POC, Doris Daou, via

SpaceRef staff editor.