Status Report

NASA [Smd] ROSES-21 Amendment 67: C.30 OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Participating Scientist Program Step-1 Due Date Delay and New Document Posted.

By SpaceRef Editor
February 23, 2022
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The objective of ROSES-21 C.30 the OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Participating Scientist Program (ORSA-PSP) is to enhance the scientific return during the sample analysis operational phase of the OSIRIS-REx mission by expanding participation in the mission through new investigations that broaden and/or complement existing investigations. Work solicited by this program element is to enhance, augment, or complement planned mission activities during the sample-analysis phase of the mission.


Amendment 67 announces three things:


1)    A new document, the Higher Resolution of SEIWG flow chart – page 33 from Sample Analysis Plan (.PDF) has been posted under “Other documents” on the NSPIRES page of C.30 ORSA-PSP. 


2)    Some browser configurations do not prominently display the scroll bars that allow visitors to the web page to access all of the PDFs posted there.


3)  Since some proposers may not have been aware of these documents, the ORSA-PSP Step-1 proposal due date has been delayed to March 7, 2022, to give all potential proposers an opportunity to review all of the documents. 



On or about February 23, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2021” (NNH21ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on SARA’s ROSES blog at:


Questions concerning C.30 ORSA-PSP may be directed to Jeffrey N. Grossman at

SpaceRef staff editor.