Status Report

NASA SMD: Release of Draft Science Education CAN

By SpaceRef Editor
November 6, 2014
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On November 6, 2014, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is releasing for community comment a draft Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) for team-based proposals for SMD science education. The draft text will be downloadable from the NSPIRES web page at by selecting “Solicitations”, choosing “Open” and searching for NASA Science Education or NNH15ZDA002J. Comments on this draft text are due to the point of contact below no later than 30 days after release of the draft text. It is anticipated that the final CAN will be issued no earlier than December 2014.

The goal of the NASA SMD Science Education CAN is to meet the following NASA SMD Science Education Objectives: Enabling STEM education, improving U.S. science literacy; advancing National education goals; and leveraging science education through partnerships.  NASA intends to select one or more focused, science discipline-based team(s). While it is envisioned that multiple agreements may be awarded, selection of a single award to support all of SMD science education requirements is not precluded. Awards are anticipated by September 30, 2015.

Neither the issuance of this Announcement nor the draft CAN obligates NASA to issue the final CAN and solicit proposals. Issuance of the CAN is dependent on programmatic factors, including NASA receiving an appropriation and operating plan containing adequate funding within the NASA Science Mission Directorate budget. Any costs incurred by prospective submitters in response to this Announcement or the draft CAN are incurred completely at the submitter’s own risk. The final CAN may contain provisions that differ from the draft CAN, in which case those provisions in the final CAN would take precedence.

All comments and questions should be directed only to by the due date above. Comments are to be submitted by E-mail using the character string “Science Education CAN” (without quotes) included in the subject line. The identity of those submitting comments will be held in confidence. Answers to questions about this Announcement and draft CAN will be made available in a FAQ under other documents on the NSPIRES website for this CAN. 

Anticipated SMD Science Education CAN schedule:

Final CAN Release Date (target)………………………………. NET December 2014

Notice of Intent to Propose Deadline…………………………. 30 days after final CAN release

Proposal Deadline…………………………………………………… 90 days after final CAN release

Selections Announced (target)………………………………….. Summer 2015

Projects Begin (target)…………………………………………….. October 1, 2015


Kristen Erickson 

Science Mission Directorate

NASA Headquarters

Washington, DC 20546


SpaceRef staff editor.