Status Report

NASA sees a small tropical depression 14W

By SpaceRef Editor
August 25, 2016
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Tropical Depression 14W appeared to be a small storm when NASA’s Aqua satellite passed overhead early on Aug. 24.

On Aug. 24 at 12:00 a.m. EDT (0400 UTC) the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer or MODIS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite showed some isolated strong storms over around a weak low-level center. Persistent northerly vertical wind shear has prevented the tropical cyclone from intensifying.

At 5 a.m. EDT (0900 UTC) Tropical Depression 14W had maximum sustained winds near 28.7 mph (25 knots/46.3 kph). It was centered near 22.7 degrees north latitude and 147.0 degrees east longitude. That’s about 340 nautical miles east-southeast of Iwo To Island, Japan. Tropical Depression 14W has tracked north-northeastward at 27.6 mph (24 knots/44.5 kph). Tropical Depression 14W is moving away from the Marianas Islands and watches or warnings have been dropped.

For updates on forecasts for the Marianas and Guam, visit the National Weather Service of Guam website:

The Joint Typhoon Warning Center expects that the storm will move north, not strengthening much before it dissipates within 4 to 5 days.

SpaceRef staff editor.