Status Report

NASA ROSES-21 Amendment 49: Final Text and Due Date for D.10 TESS General Investigator Program Cycle 5

By SpaceRef Editor
November 23, 2021
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The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) General Investigator (GI) Program solicits proposals for the acquisition and analysis of new scientific data from the TESS mission, a NASA Explorer mission that was launched in April 2018 and began science operations in July 2018. Additionally, proposals that support the acquisition and analysis of scientific data from ground-based telescopes are solicited. Such ground-based measurements must directly support the analysis and/or interpretation of TESS scientific data. 


Proposals will be submitted in two stages, with Phase-1 focusing on the science goals and observation parameters. Selected Phase-1 proposers will be invited to submit a budget for Phase 2.


ROSES-2021 Amendment 49 releases final text and due date for D.10 TESS GI Cycle 5. Phase-1 proposals must be submitted by 4:30 pm Eastern time on March 18, 2022, via the Astrophysics Research Knowledgebase (ARK) Remote Proposal System (RPS) website: Templates and other information will be posted in early December on the TESS Science Support Center website at under the “Proposing” tab.


On or about November 23, 2021, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2021” (NNH21ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on SARA’s ROSES blog at:


Technical questions concerning D.10 TESS GI Cycle 5 may be directed to Knicole Colón programmatic information may be obtained from Douglas Hudgins at


SpaceRef staff editor.