Status Report

NASA ROSES-18 Amendment 2: Final text for D.14 SOFIA 4th Gen Instrumentation

By SpaceRef Editor
March 6, 2018
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ROSES-18 Amendment 2: This amendment releases final text for program element D.14 SOFIA 4th Gen Instrumentation
This solicitation requests proposals for scientific investigations that would develop and use scientific instrumentation capable of achieving the goals of NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). The intent is to select and execute development of one or more new SOFIA science instruments and/or upgrades to existing instruments.
This program element requests a notice of intent by June 1, 2018, but also uses a binding two-Step process in which successful 25-page Step-1 proposals will be funded for a five-month (<$500K) Instrument Concept Study Phase (see Section 6) culminating a Concept Study Phase reports in 2019 that will serve as Step-2 proposals from which instruments may be selected and funded for development.
Data management plans will not be collected on the NSPIRES cover pages as the planned enhanced data products are part of the proposals (see Sections 4 & 6) and evaluation criteria (see Section 7).
Optional NOIs are requested by June 1, 2018, Step-1 proposals are due August 1, 2018 and NASA will communicate directly with those selected regarding the submission concepts study reports as Step-2 proposals ~March 2019. Three pre-proposal workshops will be held, see Section 12.1 of the program element for more information.
On or about March 6, 2018, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2018” (NNH18ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on the RSS feed at:
Technical questions concerning this program element may be directed to
The NASA point of contact for programmatic information is Kartik Sheth who may be reached at


SpaceRef staff editor.