Status Report

NASA ROSES-16 Amendment 50: Revisions to D.3 APRA

By SpaceRef Editor
December 13, 2016
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ROSES-16 Amendment 50: This amendment updates the text for D.3 The Astrophysics Research and Analysis Program

The Astrophysics Research and Analysis Program (APRA) program solicits basic research proposals for investigations that are relevant to NASA’s programs in astronomy and astrophysics and includes research over the entire range of photons, gravitational waves, and particle astrophysics. Awards may be for up to four years’ duration (up to five years for suborbital investigations), but shorter-term proposals are typical; four-year or five-year proposals must be well justified. Proposals for suborbital investigations are particularly encouraged. APRA investigations may advance technologies anywhere along the full line of readiness levels, from Technology Readiness Level1 (TRL1) through TRL9. The emphasis of this solicitation is on technologies and investigations that advance NASA astrophysics missions and goals, including those missions being studied for the next decadal survey.

Amendment 50 makes a number of changes throughout Section 1.2, and in particular a new paragraph has been added to In addition, some of the points of contact have changed in the Summary Table of Key Information. New text is in bold, deleted text is struck through. The due dates remain unchanged.

The main NASA point of contact concerning this program element is Michael R. Garcia who may be reached at Technical questions about specific discipline areas may also be directed to the relevant Program Officers listed in the Summary Table of Key Information.

SpaceRef staff editor.