Status Report

NASA ROSES-15 Amendment 8: Updates to C.7 PDART

By SpaceRef Editor
March 27, 2015
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ROSES-15 Amendment 8: Various updates to the text of program element C.7, the Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) Program

The Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) program solicits proposals to generate higher-order data products, archive and restore data sets or products, create or consolidate reference databases, generate new reference information, digitize data, and develop or validate software tools.

The objective of this program element is to increase the amount and quality of digital information and data products available for planetary science research and exploration, and to produce tools that would enable or enhance future scientific investigations. Although it is expected that a small amount of data analysis, interpretation, or modeling may be performed to validate any generated products, this program element does not accept proposals in which the main focus is hypothesis-based science.

Throughout this program element, the text has been modified to strengthen the requirements on proposers to make data products available. For example, in Section 1.1, data products “must” be made available, Section 1.7 now requires that software tools be archived at Github, and Section 4.3 requires rather than encourages that certain data products be archived. In addition, PDART specific evaluation criteria are presented in Section 2.1, the definition of an equivalent archive is given in Section 2.2, and updated average award sizes are presented in Section 2.4. New text is in bold, deleted text is struck through.

The due dates remain unchanged. Step-1 proposals are due May 15, 2015, and Step-2 proposals are due by July 17, 2015.

On or about March 27, 2015, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2015” (NNH15ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on the RSS feed at:

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to: Sarah Noble at or any of the other discipline scientists listed in the summary table of key information.

SpaceRef staff editor.