Status Report

NASA ROSES-15 Amendment 34: A.45 Applications – Socioeconomic Benefits

By SpaceRef Editor
December 7, 2015
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ROSES-15 Amendment 34: A.45 Earth Science Applications: Socioeconomic Benefits
final text released

The Earth Science Division’s Applied Sciences Program seeks to advance the state of practice in socioeconomic impact assessments, especially quantitative, with a particular focus on benefits from uses of Earth observations in management, business, and policy decisions and activities. The Program seeks to increase the production of high-quality impact assessments in order to demonstrate and communicate the value and benefits of Earth science and observations and, thus, to induce greater use and uptake of Earth science applications. Applied Sciences solicits proposals to develop, implement, and manage a program of activities regarding the articulation of socioeconomic benefits of Earth science applications. The solicitation encompasses two elements: Impact Assessments and Community Outreach.

Key objectives to achieve through the program of activities include:

· Advances and refinements in assessment methodologies and analytic techniques, addressing any unique aspects of Earth science data and applications;
· Advances in knowledge and body of literature on impact assessments concerning the explicit use of Earth observations in decision support;
· Greater number of applications of assessment methodologies across themes, sectors, decision types, and other meaningful factors;
· Greater effectiveness and use of impact assessments for Earth observations and geospatial information;
· Advances in familiarity, skills, and capacity within the Earth science community with socioeconomic impacts analysis, concepts, and methods;
· Greater awareness about Earth science data and information within the social, economic, and decision sciences communities;
· Improved networking across and substantive collaborations between the Earth science community and the social, economic, and decision sciences communities;
· Advances in communications approaches and innovation for the expression of Earth science impacts.

NOIs are requested by January 22, 2016. Proposals are due March 24, 2016.

On or about December 7, 2015, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2015” (NNH15ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on the RSS feed at:

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to: with “ROSES SEB Inquiry” in the subject line with a cc to

SpaceRef staff editor.