Status Report

NASA ROSES-15 Amendment 14: Release of new Homesteader Technology Development Program

By SpaceRef Editor
May 7, 2015
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ROSES-15 Amendment 14: New “Homesteader” Program to mature technologies in anticipation of future New Frontiers AOs 

The Homesteader Program supports the advanced development of technology, including instruments, relevant to mission concepts for the next two New Frontiers Announcements of Opportunity (AO). The goal of the program is to mature proposed technologies and reduce their technical risk such that the accompanying mission concepts are better prepared for the next two New Frontiers AOs. Note that the Homesteader Program itself does not solicit investigations or hardware for a flight opportunity. This Homesteader opportunity is open to any technology utilized as part of at least one of the seven mission concepts included in the Decadal Survey list recommended for the New Frontiers program. It is a priority for NASA to invest in technology developments that mitigate the risks of mission concept proposals proposed in response to New Frontiers AOs.

The Homesteader Program seeks to mature technologies in anticipation of future New Frontiers AOs. Examples of applicable technology efforts include, but are not limited to, science instruments; sample acquisition, processing, and storage; advanced solar power cells, array deployment, and concentrators; extreme environment technologies (e.g., batteries); thermal protection system; radiation hardening and tolerant electronics; etc. While specific technology readiness levels (TRL) are not prescribed for the Homesteader program, proposers are reminded that the goal of the program is to mature technologies so they can be proposed as part of a selectable mission concept to a flight AO with reduced risk. It is the responsibility of the proposer to describe how their proposed technology development effort addresses significant risk areas and prepares the technology for a flight opportunity. Efforts that focus on advancing the TRL of a system composed of multiple existing technologies at various TRLs are allowed under this opportunity.

Mandatory Step-1 proposals are due by June 5, 2015, and full Step-2 proposals are due by July 20, 2015.

On or about May 6, 2015, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2015” (NNH15ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on the RSS feed at:

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to: Curt S. Niebur at

SpaceRef staff editor.