Status Report

NASA ROSES-14 Amendment 27: Delay of due date for B.2 (H-SR) Step 2 Solar Science Proposals

By SpaceRef Editor
July 17, 2014
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B.2 Heliophysics Supporting Research (SR) awards are small focused individual research investigations that employ a variety of techniques, including theory, numerical simulation, modeling, analysis, and interpretation of space data. The investigations that will be of highest priority to the Heliophysics SR program will be those that use data from current or historical NASA spacecraft together with theory and/or numerical simulation to address one of the four Heliophysics Decadal Survey goals. Heliophysics SR supports investigations in the four subdisciplines of Solar, Heliosphere, Magnetosphere, and Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere (ITM) science.

This amendment delays the Step-2 due date for Solar Science Proposals (only) to October 30, 2014, because of the change in program management for this part of the program. This applies only to solar science proposals (i.e., to proposal numbers 14-SOL14-****). The Step-2 proposal due date in the heliosphere (14-HSPHR14-****), ionosphere/thermosphere/mesosphere (14-ITM14-****) and magnetosphere (14-MAG14-****) science categories remains September 11, 2014.

On or about July 16, 2014, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2014” (NNH14ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on the RSS feed at:

Questions concerning the solar science H-SR section of Appendix B.2 and this amendment may be directed to: Therese Kucera at or 301-286-0829.

SpaceRef staff editor.