NASA ROSES-13 Amendment 9: Final Text for ROSES-13 Appendix A.35, The GLOBE Implementation Office
The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE, Program is an important element of NASA’s commitment to promoting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education among the youth of the United States and worldwide and to enhancing its international collaboration through the peaceful use of space. The Earth Science Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate solicits proposals for an organization or a consortium of organizations to host the GLOBE Implementation Office and collaborate with NASA in the implementation of GLOBE, with the objective of strengthening the programmatic support for GLOBE and enhancing the value of GLOBE to its worldwide community of Partners, Students, Teachers, and Scientists (referred to as the GLOBE community hereafter).
NASA anticipates making one award through this competitive solicitation at approximately $0.5-0.8M for the first four months of transition from the current operations and $2.0-2.5M per year for the subsequent three years for a total of three years and four months.
This Amendment creates Appendix A.35. Notices of Intent are requested by May 20, 2013, and proposals are due July 19, 2013.
On or about April 19, 2013, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2013” (NNH13ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on the RSS feed at:
Questions concerning Appendix A.35, The GLOBE Implementation Office, may be directed to Ming-Ying Wei, Earth Science Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001. Telephone: (202) 358-0771; E-mail: