Status Report

NASA ROSES-11 Amendment 31: Final text for Appendix B.6 Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology Program

By SpaceRef Editor
November 14, 2011
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The goal of NASA’s Living With a Star (LWS) Program is to develop the scientific understanding needed for the United States to effectively address those aspects of Heliophysics science that may affect life and society. The LWS Targeted Research and Technology (TR&T) program element solicits proposals leading to a physics-based understanding of the integral system linking the Sun to the Solar System, including the impact on the heliosphere, planetary magnetospheres, and ionospheres. The TR&T program objectives can be achieved by data analysis, theory, and modeling, and the development of tools and methods (e.g., software for data handling). TR&T is a crosscutting initiative that addresses the LWS strategic goals relating to all aspects of NASA,s Mission.

This amendment presents final text for the LWS TR&T program, which replaces the previous text in its entirety. The due dates have changed. Notices of Intent to propose are due December 15, 2011. Proposals are due February 24, 2012. Award start dates are required to be October 1, 2012.

On or about November 14, 2011, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2011” (NNH11ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at (select “Solicitations” then “Open Solicitations” then “NNH11ZDA001N”). You can now track amendments, clarifications, and corrections to ROSES and subscribe to an RSS feed at:

Further information about this program element is available from Madhulika (Lika) Guhathakurta, Heliophysics Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001; Telephone: (202) 358-1992; E-mail:

SpaceRef staff editor.