Status Report

NASA ROSES-11 Amendment 30: Revised text for Appendix D.3 Astrophysics Research and Analysis (APRA)

By SpaceRef Editor
November 1, 2011
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The Astrophysics Research and Analysis (APRA) program (originally entitled Astrophysics Research and Enabling Technology with the release of ROSES-11) seeks to support research that addresses the best possible (i) state-of-the-art detector technology development for instruments that may be proposed as candidate experiments for future space flight opportunities; (ii) science and/or technology investigations that can be carried out with instruments flown on suborbital sounding rockets, stratospheric balloons, or other platforms; and (iii) supporting technology, laboratory research, and/or (with restrictions) ground-based observations that are directly applicable to space astrophysics missions.

This amendment changes the name of this program to Astrophysics Research and Analysis and presents revised text for the Laboratory Astrophysics section. In particular, it removes the opportunity in Laboratory Astrophysics that addresses the grand challenge of understanding the molecular universe at far infrared and submillimeter wavelengths. This opportunity is deferred in order to redefine this aspect of the program element in light of increasing data collection in the areas of infrared and submillimeter astronomy. The funding level for Laboratory Astrophysics indicated in the table in Section 2.1 remains unchanged.

The due date for Notices of Intent and proposals remain unchanged at January 27, 2012, and March 23, 2012, respectively.

On or about November 2 2011, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2011” (NNH11ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at (select “Solicitations” then “Open Solicitations” then “NNH11ZDA001N”). You can now track amendments, clarifications, and corrections to ROSES and subscribe to an RSS feed at:

Further information about this amendment and the Laboratory Astrophysics section of the APRA program element is available from Glenn Wahlgren, Astrophysics Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001; Telephone: (202) 358-1551; E-mail:

SpaceRef staff editor.