Status Report

NASA ROA-2013 Amendment 3: System-Wide Safety Assurance Technologies (SSAT)

By SpaceRef Editor
July 11, 2013
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NASA ROA-2013 Amendment 3: System-Wide Safety Assurance Technologies (SSAT)

Amendment 3 to the NASA ARMD Research Opportunities in Aeronautics (ROA) 2013 NRA (NNH13ZEA001N) has been posted on the NSPIRES web site at

This release includes the following 6 topics in Appendix B.2 for foundational research in support of the System-Wide Safety Assurance Technologies Project: (1) Software Intensive Systems: Verification and Validation of Model-Based and Adaptive Systems; (2) Software Intensive Systems: Support for Verification of Black-Box Flight Critical Software; (3) Software Intensive Systems: Qualification of Formal Methods Tools; (4) Distributed Systems: Onboard Integrated Distributed Systems; (5) Distributed Systems: Distributed Airspace Systems; (6) Authority and Autonomy: Safety Analysis of Multiple Human-System Interactions in the NAS.

NOIs are due July 22, 2013 and proposals are due August 22, 2013.

SpaceRef staff editor.