NASA ROA 2008 Amendment 2 released
Amendment 2 to the NASA ARMD Research Opportunities in Aeronautics (ROA) 2008 NRA has been posted on the NSPIRES site. The amendment includes new research topics for the Aircraft Aging and Durability Project (AAD), the Integrated Vehicle Health Management Project (IVHM), the Subsonic Fixed Wing Project (SFW), and the Supersonics Project (SUP).
The topics posted for the SFW and SUP projects are for the “Advanced Concept Studies For Subsonic Commercial Transport Aircraft Entering Service in the 2030-2035 Period” topic that was covered in a pre-proposal conference on November 29, 2007. With these topics, NASA is seeking to stimulate innovation and foster the pursuit of revolutionary conceptual designs for aircraft that could enter into service in the 2030-35 period, market permitting.
In support of NextGen research, the IVHM topics include extensions to health monitoring of airspace systems and of software systems, in addition to those more focused on IVHM on-board technology for detection, diagnosis, and prognosis of in-flight events. Research topics for the AAD project include the following foundational and discipline areas: Sensing & Diagnostic Technologies, Continuum-based Models and Computational Methods, Material Sciences, Systems Integration, and Test Technology Development.