Status Report

NASA Request for Information for U.S. Participation in the Soft Matter Dynamics Experiment

By SpaceRef Editor
July 8, 2020
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RFI Number: NNH20ZTT003L

Release Date: July 8, 2020

Responses Due Date: July 23, 2020


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has released a Request for Information (RFI) to gauge interest in the U.S. soft matter science community to conduct experiments with Soft Matter Dynamics experiment unit aboard the International Space Station (ISS). NASA is considering partnering with the European Space Agency on the use of the unit, and responses to the RFI will be used to help determine the level of the potential partnership.


The full RFI and submission instructions can be found at



NASA’s Physical Sciences Research program solicits and conducts research to understand how physical systems respond to spaceflight environments, particularly low gravity. The ISS provides researchers the ability to conduct long-duration experiments in low Earth orbit, enabling scientists, engineers, and technologists to pursue innovations and discoveries not achievable by other means. A breadth of research areas is made accessible in an environment where gravity-driven phenomena, such as buoyancy-driven fluid flows or sedimentation, are nearly negligible. Experiments conducted in space have yielded rich results. Some were unexpected and most could not be observed in Earth-based laboratories. These results have provided valuable insights into fundamental fluid behavior that apply to both terrestrial and space environments.


The Physical Sciences Research program benefits from collaborations with the ISS international partners, including the ESA. ESA’s Soft Matter Dynamics experiment unit was installed aboard the ISS in 2018. The purpose of the unit is to enable a variety of soft matter experiments in reduced gravity, including studies of foam coarsening, emulsions stabilization, and dynamics in agitated granular matter.


Information Sought

The purpose of this RFI is to gauge interest in the U.S. soft matter science community to conduct experiments with Soft Matter Dynamics experiment unit. NASA is considering partnering with ESA on the use of the unit, and responses to the RFI will be used to help determine the level of the potential partnership.


This is a Request for Information only and does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, that NASA will take procurement action in this matter. The information gathered will be discussed in deliberations within NASA and with external partners, and it may be used by NASA in future announcements. By submitting a response to the RFI, submitters acknowledge that the information contained in their response may be discussed and distributed in public forums. This RFI is for informational and planning purposes only and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government, nor will the Government pay for any information solicited.

SpaceRef staff editor.