Status Report

NASA Request for Information: Community Feedback on NASA’s “Life Beyond Low Earth Orbit” Report

By SpaceRef Editor
May 15, 2018
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In July, 2016, the NASA Space Life and Physical Sciences Research and Applications Division sponsored a Science Workshop held at Ames Research Center to consider the research that NASA should undertake to facilitate exploration in the Life Beyond Low Earth Orbit (LBLEO) era. A report was generated from this workshop which is being made available to the public at  NASA Space Biology is seeking comments on this report that will contribute to NASA’s development of a strategic plan for research in the Beyond Low Earth Orbit exploration era.
The full text of this Request For Information (RFI), response instructions, as well as a copy of the LBLEO report itself can be found at the above address. Responses must be submitted electronically using the NSPIRES website. This RFI is open to responses from all the public including individuals in the private sector, international organizations, academia, NASA Centers, and other federal government agencies. The information obtained will be used by NASA for planning and strategy development. 
Solicitation Number: NNH18ZTT002L
Release Date:  May 15, 2018
Response Due Date: July 16, 2018

SpaceRef staff editor.