NASA Project Management (PM) Challenge 2009
Dear Colleague,
Mark your calendars for NASA Project Management (PM) Challenge 2009!
WHEN: February 24-25, 2009
WHERE: Hilton Oceanfront Hotel, Daytona Beach, Florida
THEME: Connect and Discover
REGISTRATION OPENS: November 3, 2008
PM Challenge is sponsored by the NASA Office of the Chief Engineer, the NASA Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership (APPEL), and the NASA Office of Safety & Mission Assurance.
Special Bonus!!! Download “PM Perspectives 2008”, an e-magazine featuring articles from our student attendees at PM Challenge 2008.
Podcasts are here!!! Listen to selected PM Challenge 2008 speakers while viewing their presentations. It is almost like having the speakers in your office!
Conference Co-Chairs
Dorothy Tiffany
Walt Majerowicz